Democrats calling for Trump execution by promoting wildly false narratives and inflaming unreasonable fears of death if Trump wins

democracy as a general term includes republics. HOW MANY TIMES do you idiots have to be TOLD this!!!!!

a system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives.
The United States Republic is not a socialist Marxist mob democracy.
Jamie raskin for months has been promoting the house not validate the election 2024 if Trump wins and that civil war against trump supporters must start to take place to proteck the Democrazy.

NOW THAT is deny the American voters THEIR CHOICE?? and threaten violence in case Trump wins??
Claim with no documentation. Gaslighting? Projection? “They al do it so why not Trump?”
All the word republic (from the Latin, res publica, thing of the people) means is that a country does not have a hereditary monarch.
I prefer a democracy, but your idea of a perfect government is a world monarchy by a dead guy who does not even speak English.
If you have any argument that we are not a democracy present it. Else what you said above does not prove that we are not a democracy.
its the usual stupid right wing attempt to deflect from the authoritarianism of trump.
democrats warn of that, and this is the usual attempt to say "hey dems are stupid for saying we are a democracy, we are really a constitutional republic", splitting semantic hairs.
Claim with no documentation. Gaslighting? Projection? “They al do it so why not Trump?”
Democrats stole the 2020 election by fraud and are now attempting to kill or derail Trump ahead of the 2024 election because they know it will take far too much voting fraud to give her the steal this time.
All the word republic (from the Latin, res publica, thing of the people) means is that a country does not have a hereditary monarch.
I prefer a democracy, but your idea of a perfect government is a world monarchy by a dead guy who does not even speak English.
A perfect government is one in which Jesus is recognized as Supreme Ruler of all the earth.
Listen up dickhead.

Any country that has free and fair elections, is a democracy. Call it what you like but that's a fact.
Check the meaning you idiot.
Russia does not have free elections and neither does the US as long as democrat socialists control the vote collection and counting process done in secret in massive democrat precincts.
If you have any argument that we are not a democracy present it. Else what you said above does not prove that we are not a democracy.
The US was not originally established as a mob rule leftist political party democracy, although modern democrats are rapidly changing things to make that happen.
Had enough yet?
Why not stick your ignorant bib in more often?

Never ask the question until you know the answer.
Democrats rule under the banner: "It does not matter who votes that counts but who counts the votes that matters." This has been true for hundreds of years in the US dating back to before the days of Tammany Hall and other crooked political pits of democrat election corruption.

Fact check: Did Biden, Stalin say the same thing about counting votes?​

Ciara O'Rourke

Viral Facebook post: Quotes show Joseph Stalin and Joe Biden expressed similar views about counting votes.

PolitiFact's ruling: False

Here's why: Though divided by countries, decades and ideologies, former Soviet leader Joseph Stalin and President Joe Biden are being compared in a recent Facebook post that looks at the purported words of both men.

"It’s not who votes that counts," Stalin supposedly said. "It’s who counts the votes."

Biden, meanwhile, is quoted as saying: "The struggle’s no longer just who gets to vote. It’s about who gets to count the vote."