Blatant voting fraud: Biden defies the SCOTUS in order to buy votes with US tax dollars

The economy today is healthier than it has been in many decades, It does not need stimulation, Now i the time to RAISE TAXES ON THE WHALES. Juniorbush gave "rebates" and left office with two wars and the economy in shreds.

Reagan produced homelessness.

Republicans stand for higher deficits and tax breaks for the fatcats.
The US economy is struggling for many reasons but the biggest obstruction to an improvement in the economic health of the US is the stupidity of those lawmakers who believe the economy is doing fine and always does fine when massive amounts of borrowed money is spent on liberal causes.
But that is our system. So you think we are not a country of laws but a country of whatever you think your religion tells you? Our founding fathers fled religion tyrants among others. We are not under Christian law or the Bible. We are governed by our constitution and our laws. Biden did not violate the scoutus and neither did the governor of Louisiana. I have no use for religion or your beliefs. I work with logic and evidence and reason. I am not interested in your faith. If you cannot provide reason and logic and evidence I cannot engage with you meaningfully.
Because of Christian influence America has become the greatest nation on earth, which is why hundreds of thousands of immigrants from dozens of nations seek to cross the border each year into the US.
I am not aware of the scotus ruling. But it seems you pick and choose which scotus rulings you think are valid. I have not seen any evidence presented by you other than your mere assertions that that money did not belong to Iran.
Yes, I did pick and choose the SCOTUS ruling that pertained to the frozen assets we have been talking about.
Because of Christian influence America has become the greatest nation on earth, which is why hundreds of thousands of immigrants from dozens of nations seek to cross the border each year into the US.
Most people came here for economic reasons, not religion. The same reason people migrated to Australia, Argentina, Canada, NZ and many other places.

The Church of England was not oppressive so much as it was booooring.
Obama did not need to wait on the court to resolve the issue like four of his predecessors had. He was above them and above the SCOTUS. He was King Obama and he did whatever the hell he wanted to do because he had the power and few people would try to stop him.

he wasn't "above scotus", legal mor on, if he didn't illegally defy a scotus ruling.
prove he did.
Most people came here for economic reasons, not religion. The same reason people migrated to Australia, Argentina, Canada, NZ and many other places.

The Church of England was not oppressive so much as it was booooring.
The free market system inspired by Christian principles has made the US a country that millions around the world would risk their lives to enter into.
Yes, I did pick and choose the SCOTUS ruling that pertained to the frozen assets we have been talking about.
and yet you haven't picked any that you can prove show that obama did anything illegal. All you did was constantly post the same drivel over and over without showing it applies.
He 'settled' a issue that was still in court.
prove it. you keep saying that but find a legal expert who agrees with you. There are a number of issues about "iran" and "money", that doesn't prove that scotus was ruling on his exact actions, and of course if they hadn't ruled on it yet then obama wasn't above the laws. duh
and yet you haven't picked any that you can prove show that obama did anything illegal. All you did was constantly post the same drivel over and over without showing it applies.
Again, SCOTUS did not rule on Obama's mistake, they ruled on the frozen assets that formerly belonged to the Shah.
Obama did not need to wait on the court to resolve the issue like four of his predecessors had. He was above them and above the SCOTUS. He was King Obama and he did whatever the hell he wanted to do because he had the power and few people would try to stop him.
Yet the SC admitted he did nothing wrong?
Let's see if you believe them when the SC say Trump is guilty.