Blatant voting fraud: Biden defies the SCOTUS in order to buy votes with US tax dollars

The assets you claim belong to Iranians cannot be traced back to any court or legislative ruling authorizing the Shah's funds to be given to the thugs who stole his power and began terrorizing the world in their bloody religious Jihad.
The Shah was imposed on Iran by the Brits and the US CIA, No one elected his narrow ass, He was an absolute dictator. The Ayatollah who replaced him was elected by a process that involved the Iranian people. The fact that you do not like it is immaterial. It is the legitimate government of Iran.

And the US had a contractual obligation to return the money it had seized or to pay interest on it. Suppose you buy a house and the lender is a convicted babyraper. Does that absolve you from paying off the mortgage as agreed upon?
I used the word in the sense that refusing to be controlled by American standards of law is a defiance of the law. If someone takes the law into his own hands he defies the laws that require the matter to be solved in court, not personally or privately. Obama had a habit of bragging that he did not need Congress or the court to tell him what to do as long as he had a pen and a phone. Biden has also been defying courts and Congress.
So you lied lol
Youn only defy the law if you do something illegal duh
You proved nothing. Obama said he took the iranian assets that had been frozen in 1979 and gave that money to Iranian terrorists.
Show where he said that.

SCOTUS ruled a few weeks later that that money was not to be given to the terrorists.
No. It confirmed Obama had done nothing wrong.

Why would anyone defend Obama and other corrupt democrats for sending billions of dollars to worldwide terrorists behind the deaths of so many thousands of innocent people?
Why would anyone want to fabricate lies when they cannot prove it? Sound familiar? Dickhead.
This country has no choice other than to comply with the provisions of the contracts that it signs.
The frozen Iranian money had been tied up for years before Obama decided he was tired of waiting for a court ruling on the matter. American officials make contracts that are illegitimate and they have broken contracts that are legitimate, just like Obama broke the Budapest Memorandum deceitfully signed by Bill Clinton with no intention of democrats ever intending to honor their word in that commitment.
is the governor defying scotus previous rulings?

i asked that two times before and you are not denying it, just deflecting. if you do not apply your logic consistently, it becomes illogic.
If SCOTUS has defied the Constitution then their judgment is invalid. Nine humans on a human court have no right to disenfranchise millions of voters in a state where voters enact laws to protect and exercise their God-given and constitutionally-protected religious rights.
there were no shah's funds. those belonged to iran. iran both under the shah and under the mullahs was/is a member of the UN. those funds belong to iran, then and now.
There are a few problems with that assumption. First, Obama did not give the money to Iran, he gave the money to terrorist thugs holding the Iranian people hostage. Secondly, the dispersal of the frozen funds was tied up in court for decades, and only in the spring of 2016 did the SCOTUS finally rule that the money was to be given to American victims of Iranian terror. Obama's unilateral decision to release the funds to terrorists was in essence a theft from the Americans that the SCOTUS ruled should be receiving the funds instead of the terrroist thugs in Iran. Thirdly, no American should be funding a rogue terrorist regime intending to build WMDs to destroy Jews and Americans by the millions.
The Shah was imposed on Iran by the Brits and the US CIA, No one elected his narrow ass, He was an absolute dictator. The Ayatollah who replaced him was elected by a process that involved the Iranian people. The fact that you do not like it is immaterial. It is the legitimate government of Iran.

And the US had a contractual obligation to return the money it had seized or to pay interest on it. Suppose you buy a house and the lender is a convicted babyraper. Does that absolve you from paying off the mortgage as agreed upon?
The thugs currently ruling Iran by brute force are not supported by civilized Iranians and those gangsters should never be given billions of dollars to build WMDs for the purpose of mass murdering millions of people they hate without cause.
Show where he said that.

The Obama administration has said the $400 million payment, and another $1.3 billion paid in interest, wasn’t ransom but was part of a deal to resolve the long-running dispute over frozen assets once controlled by Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi. The cash transfer, besides resolving the financial standoff, helped seal a nuclear agreement the U.S. and its allies negotiated with Iran’s leaders. White House officials also have said they hoped the deal might lead Iran to moderate its behavior.
The Obama administration has said the $400 million payment, and another $1.3 billion paid in interest, wasn’t ransom but was part of a deal to resolve the long-running dispute over frozen assets once controlled by Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi.
And there is proof of your lie that the SC said it must be given to veterans etc.

The cash transfer, besides resolving the financial standoff, helped seal a nuclear agreement the U.S. and its allies negotiated with Iran’s leaders.
And guess what. It did. How embarrassing it must be for you to post exactly the opposite of what you've been bellowing for years.
You're slipping old man and I love it. Do it again.

White House officials also have said they hoped the deal might lead Iran to moderate its behavior.
The frozen Iranian money had been tied up for years before Obama decided he was tired of waiting for a court ruling on the matter. American officials make contracts that are illegitimate and they have broken contracts that are legitimate, just like Obama broke the Budapest Memorandum deceitfully signed by Bill Clinton with no intention of democrats ever intending to honor their word in that commitment.
None of that matters. The money was returned as per the agreement. Get over it.
Reagan, JFK, and Bill Clinton all cut taxes which stimulated the sluggish economy;

The economy today is healthier than it has been in many decades, It does not need stimulation, Now i the time to RAISE TAXES ON THE WHALES. Juniorbush gave "rebates" and left office with two wars and the economy in shreds.

Reagan produced homelessness.
Republicans stand for higher deficits and tax breaks for the fatcats.
But that is our system. So you think we are not a country of laws but a country of whatever you think your religion tells you? Our founding fathers fled religion tyrants among others. We are not under Christian law or the Bible. We are governed by our constitution and our laws. Biden did not violate the scoutus and neither did the governor of Louisiana. I have no use for religion or your beliefs. I work with logic and evidence and reason. I am not interested in your faith. If you cannot provide reason and logic and evidence I cannot engage with you meaningfully.
There are a few problems with that assumption. First, Obama did not give the money to Iran, he gave the money to terrorist thugs holding the Iranian people hostage. Secondly, the dispersal of the frozen funds was tied up in court for decades, and only in the spring of 2016 did the SCOTUS finally rule that the money was to be given to American victims of Iranian terror. Obama's unilateral decision to release the funds to terrorists was in essence a theft from the Americans that the SCOTUS ruled should be receiving the funds instead of the terrroist thugs in Iran. Thirdly, no American should be funding a rogue terrorist regime intending to build WMDs to destroy Jews and Americans by the millions.
I am not aware of the scotus ruling. But it seems you pick and choose which scotus rulings you think are valid. I have not seen any evidence presented by you other than your mere assertions that that money did not belong to Iran.
None of that matters. The money was returned as per the agreement. Get over it.
Obama did not need to wait on the court to resolve the issue like four of his predecessors had. He was above them and above the SCOTUS. He was King Obama and he did whatever the hell he wanted to do because he had the power and few people would try to stop him.