Blatant voting fraud: Biden defies the SCOTUS in order to buy votes with US tax dollars

attorney general, the overall boss of dept of justice, was handpicked by trump.

you did not name these alleged bosses and you did not provide a cite either. what a shock!
Trump no doubt unwittingly appointed several members of the swamp he intended to drain but he likely was unaware that those corrupt officials he ill-advisedly or unwarily chose were devoted to the socialist democrat party and agenda.

i admit there are some true believers who are decent and sincere human beings. but imo most Christians, and for that matter religious people, are just insincere fakes. and when it comes to the religious right, there are way more fakes.
The Bible suggests there have been many fake Christians in every generation since the time of Christ.
Religion is USA is used as community acceptance and recognition. Tell someone you're an atheist and watch them disappear. That's how shallow and fake they are.
Mark has said he will be voting for Christian values. That's a classic example of how ignorant they are to the needs of the country.
Of course he'll be supporting Trump not because he's a Christian but because he's a republican. That also shows how pathetic they are.
I will vote for republicans unless some democrat candidates arise to convince me they are opposed to abortion, opposed to sexual perversion, opposed to CRT racism, opposed to Marxism, opposed to atheistic rejection of Christian influence in schools, and so forth.
The Shah before he died, ordered a lot of military equipment for Iran and put the funds to pay for it in escrow. The US refused to deliver these weapons and seized the money. As per terms of the contract the US was obligared to add interest a world market rates until such time as it approved to return the money.

Interest rates rose, and Biden paid it off. The interest was a greater amount than the original sum, after 0ver 40 years compounding interest. The Supreme Court has no legal control over this. So the Supremes can go f@ck themselves.
The Bible suggests there have been many fake Christians in every generation since the time of Christ.
Being as Jesus' definition and Paul's definitions of Christianity, there are conflicts over what Christianity actually is. At NO POINT did either Jesus or Paul endorse the rantings of the Book of Revelation.
The Shah before he died, ordered a lot of military equipment for Iran and put the funds to pay for it in escrow. The US refused to deliver these weapons and seized the money. As per terms of the contract the US was obligared to add interest a world market rates until such time as it approved to return the money.

Interest rates rose, and Biden paid it off. The interest was a greater amount than the original sum, after 0ver 40 years compounding interest. The Supreme Court has no legal control over this. So the Supremes can go f@ck themselves.
You seem ignorant of the reason the alleged debt to Iran went unpaid for more than 30 years, so I am not surprised you cannot understand why we would say Obama was wrong to settle the issue that was in the court before the issue in the court was settled by the court.
There is a reason 4 presidents before Obama did not take it upon themselves to honor Iranian terrorist claims to American-held money without advice and consent from Congress or courts.
Well, tell us what it is, then, genius.
What is done is done, whether you approve or not, and it won't be undone, So give it a rest whydoncha?
I will vote for republicans unless some democrat candidates arise to convince me they are opposed to abortion, opposed to sexual perversion, opposed to CRT racism, opposed to Marxism, opposed to atheistic rejection of Christian influence in schools, and so forth.
Bullshyt. Even if they did you wouldn't vote for them. You lying old fool.
A Christian cannot decline to vote for a sinner who supports conservative Christian values if refusing to vote for that sinner would allow his opponent, also a sinner but who despises conservative Christian values to win the election.
That's rubbish. It's your warped opinion and supported by nothing.
I guess you could mock Trump for not being able to overcome opposition from the corrupt officials devoted to the corrupt leftist socialist fascist democrat party.

i am mocking you for making these absurd claims with no proof.

prove they were corrupt.
oh wait you wont, you'll just lie and cowardly run away like you always do. lol
A Christian cannot decline to vote for a sinner who supports conservative Christian values if refusing to vote for that sinner would allow his opponent, also a sinner but who despises conservative Christian values to win the election.
so the end justifies the means. got it.
Trump no doubt unwittingly appointed several members of the swamp he intended to drain but he likely was unaware that those corrupt officials he ill-advisedly or unwarily chose were devoted to the socialist democrat party and agenda.
but they were are republicans. oops, they were are from republics party.
You seem ignorant of the reason the alleged debt to Iran went unpaid for more than 30 years, so I am not surprised you cannot understand why we would say Obama was wrong to settle the issue that was in the court before the issue in the court was settled by the court.
oh everyone understands you. you whine, you lie, blah blah blah. lol
You seem ignorant of the reason the alleged debt to Iran went unpaid for more than 30 years, so I am not surprised you cannot understand why we would say Obama was wrong to settle the issue that was in the court before the issue in the court was settled by the court.
"wrong" is a subjective moral judgement not an objective legal one.