Blatant voting fraud: Biden defies the SCOTUS in order to buy votes with US tax dollars

There is a problem thaty Obama never resolved and could not possdibly have resolved without Congress and the courts. How much money did iran claim we owed them and were their claims legitimate? How much did we owe them and who determined that amount? Obama had no business picking a number on his own without consulting Congress and the courts.
thats your opinion devoid of any substantiation.
did obama break any laws in this matter?
yes or no?

if he had authority to do this, then no, your statement that they "MUST" be settled by congress and the courts is yet another lie.
Obama's apologists cannot make what Obama did heroic. He decided on his own to send billions of dollars to mass-murdering terrorists in Iran without consulting Congress or courts. What gave him or John Kerry the right to declare that the US owes Iran north of $100 billion dollars and what logic compels the democrats to decide on their own to give the Iranian gangsters that money whether Congress or the courts agree or not?

U.S. Ruling Over Compensation for ’83 Beirut Bombing Riles Iran - The New York Times ( 4-27-16

U.S. Ruling Over Compensation for ’83 Beirut Bombing Riles Iran

Iranian Leaders Condemn U.S. Ruling

So even though Iran has received a steady parade of business delegations from Europe and Asia, it has been unable to sign the big deals that might help revive its battered economy. Last week, Secretary of State John Kerry told a Jewish lobbying group in Washington that Iran to date had managed to retrieve only $3 billion of its frozen funds, from a total estimated at $55 billion to $100 billion.
as i recall either us seized iranian assets or something similar.
Iran claims the US owes Iranian thugs as much as $300 billion. Who can tell us if the entirety or even a portion of that claim should be resolved in order to keep Iran from building WMDs to mass murder Jews and Americans? 6-23-24

Iran Stripped of $300 Billion in Oil Revenues Under Sanctions: Rouhani

as i recall either us seized iranian assets or something similar. and what "some" say seems accurate.
The US did freeze Iranian assets after thugs overthrew the Iranian government and seized and held more than 4 dozen Americans hostage for more than a year. No wonder Ciongress and the courts ruled that the thugs who overthrew the Shah should not be given the frozen assets.
Iran claims the US owes Iranian thugs as much as $300 billion. Who can tell us if the entirety or even a portion of that claim should be resolved in order to keep Iran from building WMDs to mass murder Jews and Americans?
you must have replied to the wrong post as your response has nothing to do with my post.
i agree. his best was when he claimed he did not have sex with a porn star. and when he claimed biden deficit is higher than his. he really lies like no other.
Biden blamed Trump for the debt cooked up by House Democrats in 2019. Biden also claimed no American servicemen lost their lives overseas during his term
did obama break any laws in this matter?
yes or no?

if he had authority to do this, then no, your statement that they "MUST" be settled by congress and the courts is yet another lie.
Another great federal agent and thief, sorry about being redundant

By Phil Helsel
A Customs and Border Protection officer pleaded guilty to stealing more than $18,000 from arriving international flight passengers by swiping the cash while doing currency verifications at a Florida airport, officials said.
William Timothy, 43, pleaded guilty Tuesday and as part of a plea deal agreed to immediately resign from the border protection agency, the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Middle District of Florida said.

Timothy stole a total of around $18,700 from 18 passengers at Naples Airport between the middle of last year and early this year.
In one May 24, 2023, instance mentioned in the plea deal, Timothy stole $2,200 while counting cash during an inspection of a person arriving from the Bahamas.
Obama's apologists cannot make what Obama did heroic. He decided on his own to send billions of dollars to mass-murdering terrorists in Iran without consulting Congress or courts. What gave him or John Kerry the right to declare that the US owes Iran north of $100 billion dollars and what logic compels the democrats to decide on their own to give the Iranian gangsters that money whether Congress or the courts agree or not?

U.S. Ruling Over Compensation for ’83 Beirut Bombing Riles Iran - The New York Times ( 4-27-16

U.S. Ruling Over Compensation for ’83 Beirut Bombing Riles Iran

Iranian Leaders Condemn U.S. Ruling

So even though Iran has received a steady parade of business delegations from Europe and Asia, it has been unable to sign the big deals that might help revive its battered economy. Last week, Secretary of State John Kerry told a Jewish lobbying group in Washington that Iran to date had managed to retrieve only $3 billion of its frozen funds, from a total estimated at $55 billion to $100 billion.
So it wasn't illegal and all you can do is wine and lie LOL
Biden blamed Trump for the debt cooked up by House Democrats in 2019. Biden also claimed no American servicemen lost their lives overseas during his term
did trump veto? at any rate, why 2019? FACT: trump deficit > biden deficit. enjoy!

trump lied. and "Christians" like you do not mind.

re servicemen: quote biden and then provide cite that he was mistaken. else all you do is to assert untrue claims and rarely provide evidence for them.
did trump veto? at any rate, why 2019? FACT: trump deficit > biden deficit. enjoy.
Trump said he had to rubber-stamp the democrat porkulus plan in order to prevent another national depression after the country was hit with the Fauci/China pandemic.
trump lied. and "Christians" like you do not mind.

re servicemen: quote biden and then provide cite that he was mistaken. else all you do is to assert untrue claims and rarely provide evidence for them.
Even leftist news sources admit Biden lied about deaths of servicemen during his watch.
so was obama charged with a crime here? no?

you're just a desperate liar hahahahahha
Justice department officials owned by the Democrat mob know better than to charge Democrat criminals for breaking laws they break. Just look at how Comey forgave Hillary without charging her after admitting she was guilty
Justice department officials owned by the Democrat mob know better than to charge Democrat criminals for breaking laws they break. Just look at how Comey forgave Hillary without charging her after admitting she was guilty
why wasn't he impeached for it then? or charged later? lol.

god you are so stupid...but predictably so lol