Blatant voting fraud: Biden defies the SCOTUS in order to buy votes with US tax dollars

i dont think obama needs congress permission to release iran money after a settlement decision. and your own post said he released the money before scotus ruling. so how is the ruling even relevant? do you even read your own posts?
There is a reason 4 presidents before Obama did not take it upon themselves to honor Iranian terrorist claims to American-held money without advice and consent from Congress or courts.
Let's try this again.

Obama administration acknowledges $1.7B transfer to Iran was all cash - CBS News 9-6-16W

Obama administration acknowledges $1.7B transfer to Iran was all cash
SEPTEMBER 6, 2016 / 9:42 PM / AP

WASHINGTON D.C. -- The Obama administration is acknowledging its transfer of $1.7 billion to Iran earlier this yearwas made entirely in cash, using non-U.S. currency.

A Treasury spokeswoman says the cash payments were necessary because of the “effectiveness of U.S. and international sanctions,” which isolated Iran from the international finance system.

The $1.7 billion was the settlement of a decades-old arbitration claim between the U.S. and Iran.

Obama and gang sent the money to Iran before the SCOTUS ruling because the gang was trying to cement a nuclear deal with Iran as well as get Iran to release hostages for the ransom money. The problem with the Iran deal is that it did nothing to address terrorism and did nothing to address the billions of dollarsa Iran owes to American victims of Iranian terrorism. 5-6-16

Iran Still Owes $53 Billion in Unpaid U.S. Court Judgments to American Victims of Iranian Terrorism
The U.S. Supreme Court ruled on April 20 that nearly $2 billion in frozen Iranian government funds must be turned over to injured survivors and families of Americans killed in the 1983 bombing of the U.S. Marine Corps barracks in Beirut and other attacks for which Iran was found liable by U.S. courts. This is an important, but only partial, step towards compensating American victims of Iranian terrorism.
Yes let's try it again.
You said the SC ruled it should go to veterans in Afghanistan etc. It clearly shows the 1983 conflict for which Obama was not responsible. Why wasn't it don't in 1983?
You're deliberately avoiding how the money stopped the threat of further escalation of their nuclear power. Obama was right then and still is.

Both of us know that's bullshyt but you keep perpetuating the lie, just like the stolen election bullshyt.
There is a reason 4 presidents before Obama did not take it upon themselves to honor Iranian terrorist claims to American-held money without advice and consent from Congress or courts.
i do not think obama needed congress permission. you have no respect for your arguments and rarely back them up. you implied he needed congressional approval. prove it.
Don't be fooled by the likes of liars like Schiff who edited the statements Trump made to create hatred for Trump among doofus democrats.

Not everyone believe it is wrong to give billions of American tax dollars to terrorists who are funding mass murders and genocide around the world.
You keep posting about scotus as if it means anything about Obama
You are a legal mo ron lol
saying it was american money is a lie. saying it was american tax dollar is a dastardly lie. i say trumpian lie
Did some foreign nation give Obama the money to give to the Iranian Muslim terrorist thugs? Or was it American money? Some claim the US froze hundreds of billions of dollars belonging to Iran and they want it back. Only the worst sort of a president would send a hundred billion dollars to Iran just because they claimed they were owed the money. That is why debated sums totalling in the billions of dollars must first be discussed in Congress and in courts. Obama was wrong to take cash money from banks holding debatable sums and willy-nilly send it to the lying genocidal Iranian Muslim terrorist thugs without advice and consent from Congress and the courts.

U.S. Ruling Over Compensation for ’83 Beirut Bombing Riles Iran - The New York Times ( 4-27-16

U.S. Ruling Over Compensation for ’83 Beirut Bombing Riles Iran

Iranian Leaders Condemn U.S. Ruling

The Iranian president and supreme leader lashed out at the United State after a Supreme Court ruling that allows the relatives of victims of a 1983 bombing to sue Tehran for $2 billion in compensation. ...

So even though Iran has received a steady parade of business delegations from Europe and Asia, it has been unable to sign the big deals that might help revive its battered economy. Last week, Secretary of State John Kerry told a Jewish lobbying group in Washington that Iran to date had managed to retrieve only $3 billion of its frozen funds, from a total estimated at $55 billion to $100 billion.
Yes let's try it again.
You said the SC ruled it should go to veterans in Afghanistan etc. It clearly shows the 1983 conflict for which Obama was not responsible. Why wasn't it don't in 1983?
You're deliberately avoiding how the money stopped the threat of further escalation of their nuclear power. Obama was right then and still is.

Both of us know that's bullshyt but you keep perpetuating the lie, just like the stolen election bullshyt.
I said nothing about veterans in Afghanistan and if Obama sent the billions of dollars to Iran in response to their threats of more mass murders if he didn't then he was more stupid and incompetent that we thought.
i do not think obama needed congress permission. you have no respect for your arguments and rarely back them up. you implied he needed congressional approval. prove it.
There is a problem thaty Obama never resolved and could not possdibly have resolved without Congress and the courts. How much money did iran claim we owed them and were their claims legitimate? How much did we owe them and who determined that amount? Obama had no business picking a number on his own without consulting Congress and the courts. 5-6-16

Iran Still Owes $53 Billion in Unpaid U.S. Court Judgments to American Victims of Iranian Terrorism

The U.S. Supreme Court ruled on April 20 that nearly $2 billion in frozen Iranian government funds must be turned over to injured survivors and families of Americans killed in the 1983 bombing of the U.S. Marine Corps barracks in Beirut and other attacks for which Iran was found liable by U.S. courts. This is an important, but only partial, step towards compensating American victims of Iranian terrorism.

Even after the nearly $2 billion is used as compensation, American victims of Iranian terrorism will still hold some $53 billion in outstanding federal court judgments against Iranian government entities and officials. So long as Iran refuses to settle these little-known but massive judgments, they will continue to cast a shadow over Iranian relations with the United States and over expanding Iranian trade with European and other countries that could seize Iranian assets in implementation of the U.S. court judgments.
You keep posting about scotus as if it means anything about Obama
You are a legal mo ron lol
We are talking here about Iran and the tens billions of dollars Iran claims we owe them. We cannot just send the terrorist thugs money they claim is theirs, those sums must first be settled on by Congress and the courts, not some gung-ho buckaroo who thinks he does not need Congress or the courts.
I said nothing about veterans in Afghanistan
I know. I did. The decision the SC made was in 1983.
Read what you linked you idiot. Then read it again.

and if Obama sent the billions of dollars to Iran in response to their threats of more mass murders if he didn't then he was more stupid and incompetent that we thought.
That's not the reason it was returned. Why are you fabricating bullshyt lies all the time. You know exactly what took place but will not admit it. Had it been a republican you would be praising it. You're a brain dead old hypocrite.
I know. I did. The decision the SC made was in 1983.
Read what you linked you idiot. Then read it again.

That's not the reason it was returned. Why are you fabricating bullshyt lies all the time. You know exactly what took place but will not admit it. Had it been a republican you would be praising it. You're a brain dead old hypocrite.
Iran claims the US owes it more than $100 billion. Thank God that Trump was not so stupid and incompetent that he took it upon himself to send them $100 billion in cash to settle them down.
We are talking here about Iran and the tens billions of dollars Iran claims we owe them. We cannot just send the terrorist thugs money they claim is theirs, those sums must first be settled on by Congress and the courts, not some gung-ho buckaroo who thinks he does not need Congress or the courts.

did obama break any laws in this matter?
yes or no?

if he had authority to do this, then no, your statement that they "MUST" be settled by congress and the courts is yet another lie.
Iran claims the US owes it more than $100 billion. Thank God that Trump was not so stupid and incompetent that he took it upon himself to send them $100 billion in cash to settle them down.
I've heard no claims of that size but it's what they would say. As for thanking god for Trump not sending, don't make me vomit.
Stupid and incompetent are his special allies.
Obama sent the money that was theirs and you know it. It DID stop them from going in the attack, as planned.
It's a shame GWB didn't do the same to Iraq before he invaded.
Did some foreign nation give Obama the money to give to the Iranian [...]
as i recall either us seized iranian assets or something similar.
Did some foreign nation give Obama the money to give to the Iranian[...]? Or was it American money? Some claim the US froze hundreds of billions of dollars belonging to Iran and they want it back. [...]
as i recall either us seized iranian assets or something similar. and what "some" say seems accurate.