Blatant voting fraud: Biden defies the SCOTUS in order to buy votes with US tax dollars

I seriously doubt that Mark has any data about what the Iranian government spent the money on
The choice was to return the money now, or to pay much more later after higher interest has accrued.

Biden made the correct decision. The Supreme Court did not have jurisdiction here,
you said removing the shah was unjust.
you support torture and executions.
of course you support genocide too, so that makes sense
The terrorists who seized control of Iran are not civilized people but murderous gangsters. Obama had no business sending them billions of dollars to aid them in their bloody goal to murder millions of Americans and Jews.
The terrorists who seized control of Iran are not civilized people but murderous gangsters. Obama had no business sending them billions of dollars to aid them in their bloody goal to murder millions of Americans and Jews.
so again, mor on, you said overthrowing him was unjust.
you support torture and executions.
The terrorists who seized control of Iran are not civilized people but murderous gangsters. Obama had no business sending them billions of dollars to aid them in their bloody goal to murder millions of Americans and Jews.
you keep repeating your unsubstantiated obviously mistaken opinions. i provide argument against them, you then ignore my arguments and keep repeating yours.

the fact that they might not be civilized and be murderous gangsters does invalidate that fact that they are de facto government of iran. and the un recognizes them as such.

now go ahead and ignore my arguments and repeat your unsubstantiated claims. why be on a political site where opposing sides can present competing facts/opinions/arguments? why not be on faux news or maga rallies where unsubstantiated claims like your would receive a hero's welcome?
You said the SC said the money should go to victims. You didn't say USA victims or Iranian victims.
They did not legislate that and you know it. When they did make a decision, it doesn't matter. Obama can and did do it when he chose. No laws broken. Get over it.
Let's try this again.

Obama administration acknowledges $1.7B transfer to Iran was all cash - CBS News 9-6-16W

Obama administration acknowledges $1.7B transfer to Iran was all cash
SEPTEMBER 6, 2016 / 9:42 PM / AP

WASHINGTON D.C. -- The Obama administration is acknowledging its transfer of $1.7 billion to Iran earlier this yearwas made entirely in cash, using non-U.S. currency.

A Treasury spokeswoman says the cash payments were necessary because of the “effectiveness of U.S. and international sanctions,” which isolated Iran from the international finance system.

The $1.7 billion was the settlement of a decades-old arbitration claim between the U.S. and Iran.

Obama and gang sent the money to Iran before the SCOTUS ruling because the gang was trying to cement a nuclear deal with Iran as well as get Iran to release hostages for the ransom money. The problem with the Iran deal is that it did nothing to address terrorism and did nothing to address the billions of dollarsa Iran owes to American victims of Iranian terrorism. 5-6-16

Iran Still Owes $53 Billion in Unpaid U.S. Court Judgments to American Victims of Iranian Terrorism
The U.S. Supreme Court ruled on April 20 that nearly $2 billion in frozen Iranian government funds must be turned over to injured survivors and families of Americans killed in the 1983 bombing of the U.S. Marine Corps barracks in Beirut and other attacks for which Iran was found liable by U.S. courts. This is an important, but only partial, step towards compensating American victims of Iranian terrorism.
Let's try this again.

Obama administration acknowledges $1.7B transfer to Iran was all cash - CBS News 9-6-16W

Obama administration acknowledges $1.7B transfer to Iran was all cash
SEPTEMBER 6, 2016 / 9:42 PM / AP

WASHINGTON D.C. -- The Obama administration is acknowledging its transfer of $1.7 billion to Iran earlier this yearwas made entirely in cash, using non-U.S. currency.

A Treasury spokeswoman says the cash payments were necessary because of the “effectiveness of U.S. and international sanctions,” which isolated Iran from the international finance system.

The $1.7 billion was the settlement of a decades-old arbitration claim between the U.S. and Iran.

Obama and gang sent the money to Iran before the SCOTUS ruling because the gang was trying to cement a nuclear deal with Iran as well as get Iran to release hostages for the ransom money. The problem with the Iran deal is that it did nothing to address terrorism and did nothing to address the billions of dollarsa Iran owes to American victims of Iranian terrorism. 5-6-16

Iran Still Owes $53 Billion in Unpaid U.S. Court Judgments to American Victims of Iranian Terrorism
The U.S. Supreme Court ruled on April 20 that nearly $2 billion in frozen Iranian government funds must be turned over to injured survivors and families of Americans killed in the 1983 bombing of the U.S. Marine Corps barracks in Beirut and other attacks for which Iran was found liable by U.S. courts. This is an important, but only partial, step towards compensating American victims of Iranian terrorism.
from your post: "Obama [xxx] sent the money to Iran before the SCOTUS ruling".

so according to you obama acted legally and gave iran's money to the legal owner.

I seriously doubt that Mark has any data about what the Iranian government spent the money on
The choice was to return the money now, or to pay much more later after higher interest has accrued.

Biden made the correct decision. The Supreme Court did not have jurisdiction here,
The Iranian terrorist masters needed more money to help their impoverished people while they continued to spend massive amounts of funds on worldwide terrorism and mass murders.
so again, mor on, you said overthrowing him was unjust.
you support torture and executions.
Yes, overthrowing a government is called a coup, sedition, or treason. Replacing the Western nation-friendly Shah with mass murdering genocidal maniacs with designs of genocidal exterminations of Americans and Jews is unacceptible. American backing of mass-murdering Iranian genocidal maniacs is also unacceptible.
you keep repeating your unsubstantiated obviously mistaken opinions. i provide argument against them, you then ignore my arguments and keep repeating yours.

the fact that they might not be civilized and be murderous gangsters does invalidate that fact that they are de facto government of iran. and the un recognizes them as such.

now go ahead and ignore my arguments and repeat your unsubstantiated claims. why be on a political site where opposing sides can present competing facts/opinions/arguments? why not be on faux news or maga rallies where unsubstantiated claims like your would receive a hero's welcome?
I'm afraid your arguments lack common sense and factual realities.
from your post: "Obama [xxx] sent the money to Iran before the SCOTUS ruling".

so according to you obama acted legally and gave iran's money to the legal owner.

That is not true. Obama sent money to Iran without authorization from Congress or the courts. Where did he find the money and who put him in charge of releasing it? The SCOTUS ruling confirmed that Iran was not owed any money compared to the money Iran owed to its American victims. 5-6-16

Iran Still Owes $53 Billion in Unpaid U.S. Court Judgments to American Victims of Iranian Terrorism

FDD Research Memo
Orde Kittrie
Senior Fellow

The U.S. Supreme Court ruled on April 20 that nearly $2 billion in frozen Iranian government funds must be turned over to injured survivors and families of Americans killed in the 1983 bombing of the U.S. Marine Corps barracks in Beirut and other attacks for which Iran was found liable by U.S. courts. This is an important, but only partial, step towards compensating American victims of Iranian terrorism.
The Iranian terrorist masters needed more money to help their impoverished people while they continued to spend massive amounts of funds on worldwide terrorism and mass murders.
All governments, everywhere can find a use for money. You do not know diddly about what they spend money on.
It was an always has been Iranian money. You are saying that it is justifiable to steal money whenever you can get away with it if you think that they owner might not spend it as you would like.

THOU SHALT NOT STEAL. You may have heard this. You are a very ignorant buffoon.
lets see who are trump's heros/idols: hitler, putin, jinping, jong un, orban, erdogan, orban
You must have supernatural skills in order to make accurate judgments about how Trump really views world leaders and about whether his dealings with them show some kind of evil devotion to them or not. Lefties hate Trump for no reason and say all sorts of evil things about him without justification.