ABC whistleblower confirms debate was fixed.....

Imagine if there had been 2 attempts on Kamala Harris' life and not on Trump?
OMG!!! Exactly!!!!
I hate to imagine that! Racism! Bla bla!
Just like the “joy” of the interview with the Black conference.
On the other interview with Trump, reporter questioned Trump, “what are black jobs”? It’s not racism it’s hypocrisy!

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According to a whistleblower from ABC who signed an affidavit to this effect there were numerous accommodations and rules violations by ABC.

They accommodated her request for a smaller podium.
They accommodated her request for how she would look in split screen.
They agreed to instantly fact check Trump and to never fact check Harris.
Harris was given questions ahead of the debate. Trump was not.
ABC agreed yo not ask certain types of questions. No questions about Biden's fitness. No questions about Harris work as AG. No questions about corruption related to her brother in law Tony West.
Ye I Postmates about it watch the libs here call it fake news or claim it's a lie . Just like they ignore the fact that Harris also had a sorority sister mod on her side
A lot of Trump supporters are saying a whistleblower does not matter much because anybody can see how biased they were.

It matters because they are no longer even semi credible as a news organization if this is true.

The affidavit matters because the whistleblower can be charged with a crime if it is proven to be a lie. This person also claims he has recordings of bias from people at ABC.
Note that the affidavit was signed a day before the debate. Sept 9th. This was not written after the debate it was written and signed before the debate!

The fact checking is the most egregious charge. Right after Trump said he did not favor a national abortion ban and has always made exceptions for rape, incest and health of the mother Kamala accused him of the opposite. Her little tantrum is being used a commercial.

She talks about Trump forcing 13 year old rape victims to carry to term and denying them health care. No response from either monitor.
A lot of Trump supporters are saying a whistleblower does not matter much because anybody can see how biased they were.

It matters because they are no longer even semi credible as a news organization if this is true.

The affidavit matters because the whistleblower can be charged with a crime if it is proven to be a lie. This person also claims he has recordings of bias from people at ABC.
Why shouldn't any newscaster be biased against Shitshizpants? He is always saying that he wants to censor newscasts, he wants to put people who disagree with him in prison.

He constantly makes dumb quips like "the failing New York Times". So why should they not call him "the lying Donald Trump"? The NYT is NOT failing, and Trump is clearly the worst liar in American public discourse.
Why shouldn't any newscaster be biased against Shitshizpants? He is always saying that he wants to censor newscasts, he wants to put people who disagree with him in prison.

He constantly makes dumb quips like "the failing New York Times". So why should they not call him "the lying Donald Trump"? The NYT is NOT failing, and Trump is clearly the worst liar in American public discourse.
You don't get it do you.Stacked fixed lop sided call it what you want but it was anything but fair and seems like it's fix