ABC rating go down after debate

There are 226 ABC affiliated stations and eight more that are owned and operated by ABC, and Trump wants to shut them all down, because they broadcast a debate that the fat shitshizpants claimed that he won, which somehow he claims was unfair because they corrected his most blatant lies.

The free press is essential to our country. No one should advocate shutting down 234 TV stations because Trump, who clearly was the loser in the game of Rope-a-Dope did not like the true results.
other then abc giving harris the questions and mods not doing thier jobs and harris soroity sister as a mod yea it was fair for harris
It does not count because it is unscientific and it is apple and oranges comparison.

You did not mention the 100% inaccurate claim.

Lots of people say all sort of things. For example lots of people say immigrants commit a lot of crimes but fbi reports say immigrants commit less crimes than native Americans.
Here is the story from msn it must be fake like the fox news source.
Yes it in denial 💳 me for m illegals has spiked do you ever look at the news
Again, I did not speak to that. FBI has steadfastly published numbers that show immigrants commit crime at a rate lower than that for native Americans. You do not specifically disagree with that but keep repeating that crime rate has increased.
Everyone and his dog and cat knew all the questions that the moderators would ask. Trump was not surprised by even one question that anyone asked. Trump was merely made to look like the fool he was by the much smarter Kamala.
She smiled:) and grinned;) and mugged :D:LOL:for the cameras all through the entire debate. Trump just sat there, seeming to be practicing his best imitations of the Grinch,:( Oscar the Grouch:mad::confused: and Jabba the Hutt:cautious:
He's right, and you are wrong. Immigrants commit a lower percentage of crimes than do citizens.
If you understand how statistics work, then you will realize that adding immigrants LOWERS the overall crime rate when they are averaged in.

And if you do not realize this, you are just mathematically dumb.

Police sources told The New York Post that as many as 75 percent of people arrested in Midtown Manhattan in recent months for crimes such as assault, robbery, and domestic violence are immigrants. In parts of Queens, the figure is estimated to be over 60 percent.
Police sources told The New York Post that as many as 75 percent of people arrested in Midtown Manhattan in recent months for crimes such as assault, robbery, and domestic violence are immigrants. In parts of Queens, the figure is estimated to be over 60 percent.
What you claim above does not refute the claim that immigrants as a group commit less crime than Native Americans according to fbi numbers.

If you do not wish to respond to that claim heads on, that is ok. Just do not respond then.
What you claim above does not refute the claim that immigrants as a group commit less crime than Native Americans according to fbi numbers.

If you do not wish to respond to that claim heads on, that is ok. Just do not respond then.
So what they are commiting crimes again next Americans cans and they are illegals and yes there been a increase in crime any idiot can see that.
These crimes murders rapes would not of happened if they were not allowed in .
You go ahead and explain to those raped and murdered and thier family's that illegals commit less crimes .
Your all morons as these crimes would not have happened if giggles and Harris🍽️did thier job.
Tell me how I am wrong.
So what they are commiting crimes again next Americans cans and they are illegals and yes there been an increase in crime any idiot can see that.
One more time: I’m not disputing that there has been an increase in crime. The claim is that immigrants as a group commit less crime than native Americans. If you are not willing to respond to that, why respond at all?

These crimes murders rapes would not of happened if they were not allowed in .
This is a preposterous claim for which you have not offered any evidence.

You go ahead and explain to those raped and murdered and thier family's that illegals commit less crimes .
Appeal to emotion, much?

And what is there to explain? It’s pure fact.
Your all morons as these crimes would not have happened if giggles and Harris🍽️did thier job.
Tell me how I am wrong.
I told you how you are wrong, and repeatedly so. Again: immigrants as a group commit less crimes than native Americans, according to fbi reports.
One more time: I’m not disputing that there has been an increase in crime. The claim is that immigrants as a group commit less crime than native Americans. If you are not willing to respond to that, why respond at all?

This is a preposterous claim for which you have not offered any evidence.

Appeal to emotion, much?

And what is there to explain? It’s pure fact.

I told you how you are wrong, and repeatedly so. Again: immigrants as a group commit less crimes than native Americans, according to fbi reports.
Nope the claim is they are commiting crime.andcare illegal that's what liberals can not comprehend.
What you claim above does not refute the claim that immigrants as a group commit less crime than Native Americans according to fbi numbers.

If you do not wish to respond to that claim heads on, that is ok. Just do not respond then.
And the fact that they didn't not belong here and are commiting murders rapes robbery's molesting kids robbery's etc and liberals like you keep trying to weasel and twist the facts it doesn't matter if American Indians on improvised reservations comment more crimes percentage wise .the illegals have no business here commiting crimes and liberals are enabling them .dumb bastards

Muir and co-moderator Linsey Davis fact-checked former President Trump five times without ever correcting Vice President Kamala Harris, prompting a plethora of conservatives to suggest the debate wasn’t fair. Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America even called for a correction after Davis made an abortion claim made during the debate during one of the fact-checks on Trump that the group said was "100% inaccurate."

Now we know what liberals call a fair debate is a fixed debate where thigs are stacked in your favor
I lost all respect for Muir! I at one time liked his broad casts! I do not even care to watch ABC nor NBC! He asked nonsense questions. And for Harris’ interview today, she gave the same old salad answers! Disturbing!
And the fact that they didn't not belong here and are commiting murders rapes robbery's molesting kids robbery's etc and liberals like you keep trying to weasel and twist the facts it doesn't matter if American Indians on improvised reservations comment more crimes percentage wise .the illegals have no business here commiting crimes and liberals are enabling them .dumb bastards
Yes they commit all those. So do other groups.
Yes they commit all those. So do other groups.
Indeed but illegals are illegal and do not belong here. Other groups such as citizens ?
And which belong here ?
Blacks commit more crimes per capta so what that has not ng to do with illegals.norcis crime among Indians.
Fact is they did not belong here were not vetted and it's Democrats fault ever murder and rape they commit