ABC rating go down after debate

Everyone and his dog and cat knew all the questions that the moderators would ask. Trump was not surprised by even one question that anyone asked. Trump was merely made to look like the fool he was by the much smarter Kamala.
She smiled:) and grinned;) and mugged :D:LOL:for the cameras all through the entire debate. Trump just sat there, seeming to be practicing his best imitations of the Grinch,:( Oscar the Grouch:mad::confused: and Jabba the Hutt:cautious:
You are a lost soul! Old man, you best wake up!

You may want to read about other countries and their beliefs! Don’t think that they leave their beliefs behind!
You are a lost soul! Old man, you best wake up!

You may want to read about other countries and their beliefs! Don’t think that they leave their beliefs behind!
You mean like Trump, the descendant of Germans being a fan of Herr Adolf Hitler? Like that?
He steals phrases from Hitler's speeches all the time.
You mean like Trump, the descendant of Germans being a fan of Herr Adolf Hitler? Like that?
He steals phrases from Hitler's speeches all the time.
Trump is the least of your worries buddy! Tell your grandkids to not buy new devices coming from overseas! Think it can’t happen here? From fentanyl in our production process of goods to electronics! Ok, you concentrate on Trump being Hitler!

tr8ue but these murders and rapes etc wouldnt be here if you liberal did let them flow in like a flood . think about that and who let them in
Correct. (See how I always respond to your arguments?) All groups commit those crimes. Swedes, Germans, the French. You for shutting down all immigration?

And again realize that immigrants as a group commit less crime than native Americans. That means, according to statistics, adding immigrants LOWERS crime rate.
Trump is not Hitler, he admires Hitler and quotes him.
There is no connection between the obvious plot by Israelis to blow up Hezbollah henchmen and the cult that wants to turn our country into a Fascist state governed by ignoramuses like Trump.
Correct. (See how I always respond to your arguments?) All groups commit those crimes. Swedes, Germans, the French. You for shutting down all immigration?

And again realize that immigrants as a group commit less crime than native Americans. That means, according to statistics, adding immigrants LOWERS crime rate.
Illegal immigration overwhelms communities by crowding classrooms, consuming already limited affordable housing, and increasing the strain on precious natural resources.
Illegal Immigration compromises our nation's security, allowing potential terrorists to hide in the same shadows.
Illegal immigration overwhelms communities by crowding classrooms, consuming already limited affordable housing, and increasing the strain on precious natural resources.
Illegal Immigration compromises our nation's security, allowing potential terrorists to hide in the same shadows.
If only others could give reasonable responses like this.
What terrorists? Is eating a cat terrorism? Is being accused falsely of eating a cat terrorism?
The Haitians in Springfield are not illegal, they are here under Protected custody.
You are an ass! Guess where the next batch are going? Your way buddy! Protective custody! CNN does not talk about that!
I stated what other countries worship and why they may eat certain animals!
I don’t care if they are under protective custody! Act right as in flow American rules and laws. Of course with our government not supporting police anyone can do anything! Whatever!
Go eat whatever animals you choose, who cares?
There is no evidence that any Haitian has eaten a single cat, dog or goose n Springfield.
Shady Vance has admitted that he had no evidence and basically endorsed a silly KKK rumor.

And because of this, students have missed classes and life in Springfield has been disrupted.