ABC moderator was a sorority sister with Harris the fix was in.

thats easy

And she didn't fact check Harris

She obviously was out to get him and treated him differently .
Naturaly a democrat would not complain or see the truth whe it come to trump and fairness . LOL your pathic and a political ass kisser
Fact checking Trump doesn't prove she was biased
Hod you are stupid
I'm changing my mind about this thread.

Sorry AT but there are 360,000 members of that black sorority. The fact that Kamala and Linsey Davis were both members of that sorority means little. Linsey did not attend the same universities and attended college 15-16 years later.

We can ascertain that they are both America hating libtards and Linsey would do anything to help the hyena but that in no way proves a fix.

That proof is coming out now from other sources.
I see you clowns admit that Trump LOST the debate and looked like a fool.
But of course, Trump IS a fool, a psychopathic narcissist.
Trump wants to absorb the government of our country into the Trump Organization.