Woman is the root cause of all of man’s and God’s woes.

Cash so what if some Christians have done some good?

I'm sure some flat earthers have done some good but that doesn't make the earth flat

God made evil because his story needs it

God is evil
All I know is the president of the flat earthers is a liberal and a none believer....look it up
Please don't confuse the Bible and science?? I could say please don't confuse what you think you know to the facts..The Bible describes the creation of the universe, the earth, and life on it. The Bible also describes the laws that govern the universe and its ultimate fate.

The order of creation according to the Bible..
Creation of the entire physical universe (matter, energy, space and time) from the invisible (16 x 109 years ago).This creation event includes an expanding universe, which continues to expand at this time.Preparation of planet earth for the creation of life. The Bible describes the Earth's initial conditions following its creation when the Sun is already shining. The Bible also says that the Earth is controlled by the heavens and not the other way around (geocentrism is refuted). The original Earth is described as being without any oceans or water at all (4.5 x 10 years ago). Science tells us that the Earth's water probably came from cometary collisions that were common during the early history of the Solar System. The main biblical creation account (Genesis 1) begins after the formation of the Earth's oceans with a description of the Earth as a water-covered planet covered by dense clouds (4.0 x 109 years ago). ..........etc.
I'm not quibbling about the Bible's exposition of the formation of the earth. I think the Genesis follows the science reasonably closely. But it does have some errors, for example the first few paragraphs of Genesis imply the earth was formed before the sun. I think the Genesis is a great metaphoric presentation for it's time.

However that kind of divine writing is not further enlightening in science. All I am saying is that descriptions in Bible is not the way science proceeds for a deeper understanding of the mechanisms behind the laws of physics and the chemistry of life.

Sure, denigrate the power of science if you wish, but don't confuse it with the writings of the Bible.
Lag.. first let me say I'm glad to see/hear from you...This is where I stand and why I say two peas in a pod..
The creationary model is being presented because the standard, naturalistic models have failed in several areas of scientific research. For example, there is no testable naturalistic model for the cause of the universe. In fact, the laws of physics demand that there is no way that we can interact with anything outside of our universe. Other areas that defy naturalistic explanation include the orign of life, the Cambrian explosion, and the the origin of consciousness. Progress is possible in these three areas, but it is unlikely that any naturalistic theory will fully explain key steps required for each process to proceed. It is my contention that none of these processes have a naturalistic origin, and, in fact, are logically impossible, given the laws of physics that operate in our universe. I believe that science will be able to completely rule out all naturalistic origin of life models at some time in the future.
Sure, there are a lot of holes in many areas of science. And yes, science fades out in the first few picoseconds of existence. I disagree that some areas of science you mention will defy understanding someday. There is continuing work being done on abiogenesis that outline steps of how life could form from the primordial soup. The very nature of viruses and bacteria rapidly mutating in scary directions in our lifetime is a very strong indication of the survival of the fittest driven by new vaccines and antibiotics.

If a personal God existed, I would think the study of science would be the highest form of liturgy. More so than adoration and worship.
Funny how Christians have railed against science so much

Like imprisoning Galileo for telling the truth about the earth going round the sun

Or decades of desperate anti evolution propaganda until when thoroughly thrashed they tried to embrace it

The vast majority of scientists are atheists because as a general rule the more education you get the less religion you can swallow

That is why religion is so prevalent in many countries on the African continent and falling away so fast in most western nations
It seems that there is a new trend in Christian religion. They couldn't get creationism in school science classes, so they relabeled it as “intelligent design”. That's not working as well as they want, so the trend now seems to be to imply the Bible is a sort of science book.

The irony is that, for example they show the weakness of evolution by citing the “Cambrian explosion” but accept the detailed timeline of the cambrian period which came from scientific studies by paleontologists. As Christians move toward trying to get creationism in classrooms, their version of the bible opens more holes in their own effort. This new movement is in http://godandscience.org/apologetics/model.html. (cashmcall please cite the sources of your post!)

First Christians oppose science

Then, when it overwhelms them they try o weave it into their bizarre narrative

That is why the bible has moved from literal truth to increasingly interpreted truth but with no explanation as to which bits should be taken literally and which figuratively

Or who is qualified to make the distinction

You have to agree that god is a shit author as well as a shit creator and shit father
The sad thing is that 33% of Americans do not believe in evolution. As one might expect that statistic is heavily weighted in that around 50% of Repubs don't believe in evolution. I really don't care what they think if they just keep it in their church and keep it out of government and schools.

But they stick their beak in everywhere and then whine like a stuck pig if Antonella suggests this is wrong

And expect their loony tunes superstition to warrant special treatment in law
RELIGION was made by man to control man. Being a Christian carries out the responsibility of finding the children of God and fellow shipping. I have had a lot of questions over the years and several years ago I started studying the bible and a lot of what I was taught in a RELIGIOUS setting was not true. I study my bible every day and always am guided to find the answers I am looking for and to share my revelations with those who truly want the truth. There is so much that can be discussed on this subject and if anyone is interested in a serious debate and have questions I would be happy to comply. Unless you study the truth for yourself you will only get misunderstandings, lies and deceitfulness. Don't just listen to man but read the truth for yourself. Just wondering how many out there have read the bible (and not just a verse here a verse there) and have truly studied the word?

But they stick their beak in everywhere and then whine like a stuck pig if Antonella suggests this is wrong

And expect their loony tunes superstition to warrant special treatment in law
Remember, this country is based on religious freedom and the laws protect that. It's no different than the law protecting our freedoms i.e. speech etc. Just a thought to ponder.
Ok. We are not in God's image.

BTW, you put a lot of stock in what the bible says it fathoms of the unfathomable God, ---- as if those unknowable things were known.

You are wrong to do so as you must rely on fantasy, miracles and magic.

I think that retarded and unhelpful in seeking God.

Then again, you are an idol worshiper who has a Godinabook.

fantasy, miracles and magic are your words not the words of a Christian. We don't rely on any of these. Miracles were performed by Jesus so that the people could see that he was more than just human. He is God. Magic is used by Satan. He uses his powers (magic) to try and turn us from God and truly learning the truth.
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Woman is the root cause of all of man’s and God’s woes.
It is not woman’s fault. It is God’s for creating her as is.
Why are human women so devastating to God’s reproductive and sexual restraint?
God cannot reproduce pure yet seems to have all the equipment required to do so, --- with humans. Rather handy that. He also passes on those traits to his Sons of God and possibly to angels as Satan is depicted with obvious female sexual and reproductive equipment. These have used their equipment well and made God many Grandchildren. These, the happy Grandfather had to drown. For some reason, --- they all come out evil. It must be something in the blood. Evil just like their Grandfather, who had already reproduced with a human to make Jesus.
Those who believe in the Trinity gibberish must contend with knowing that God planned on extra species intercourse with humans before he even created us. Today we think that that bestiality is evil but I guess we are all wrong. God must be right and bestiality must be good. That is sick. But that aside.
I can understand my own, sometimes out of control passion for women. I am just a man who is good today but who has been less so. I have repented. What I cannot understand is why God would have built that, --- out of control desire, --- into his own nature and why he is passing it on to all of his God damned Sons of God. This then forces him to use genocide on us poor and pure humans, --- as a collateral damage as he eliminates his own hated progeny and Grandchildren.
Just a reminder for God.
Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Albert Einstein
Revelation 4:11 (KJV)
Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.
If I could face our God, I would ask him one question about that creating for his pleasure clause. I would preface with; I know that human women are the best for sexual pleasures for you and your Sons of God, ---and then would ask, ---- but do you have to keep using genocide on your Grandchildren and human?
I cannot ask him why he is being so vile but can ask here to see if anyone knows why God made our human women the greatest sex toy in the universe for men as well as for his Sons of God, --- and why that desire that God himself has, --- causes him to kill humans and his Grandchildren?
God has a problem. Women are the root of that problem.
Woman is thus the root cause of all of man’s and God’s woes.
How can we help God get over his reproductive and sexual fixation on our women and ease his wrath against his own Grandchildren and stop him from his next genocidend of mankind?
God has foreknowledge and knew all that was going to happen before he even created us. So it was no surprise what Eve or anyone else in the Bible to what they did or are going to do. He created us so he knows everything and isn't surprised by anything. We are human. We are not perfect (and can't be because we were not created to be perfect, we were given free will) and this is why we live in a non-perfect world. And Adam could have said no, he was given free will, and not eat the forbidden fruit. No where in the Bible does it say they ate an apple.
Intelligent design proponents are interested in science, and I relish the idea of increasing scientific research into areas that address the question of whether there is evidence for design in the universe. For the most part, I think its fantastic.. However, we don't appreciate the red herring argument suggesting that we want to stifle scientific inquiry and are only interested in the promulgation of religious belief. Jesus said we are to love God with all our heart, soul and mind. More science? That's great

It is the increasing evidence for design that encourages ID proponents that they are on the right track. We certainly don't want to stop scientific investigation now that the evidence is accumulating in our favor. ..I look forward to learn more about how God created the universe and life on earth. We have nothing to fear from science, so bring it on!
I totally agree. And if any research is done you will find that over 50% of the science world now believe there is Divine intelligence (God) who created everything we see and don't see. They believe that the big bang was God's hand creating his materpiece.
It was all Woodrow Wilson fault signing that 19th amendment giving women the right to vote
How come you seem to dislike women or is it that you just want them to be quiet and have no opinions? And do you put your mother into this category ... I'm not criticizing because I believe all have their right to be heard ... Just trying to figure out where you are coming from ... remember, God loves men and women the same ... and about voting ... only 1/3 of those that are of age to vote are registered voters and only 1/3 of them vote. That should tell you something ...