What If Trayvon Martin Had Killed George Zimmerman?

It's sad just how far back this president has set our country regarding race.
I was never a racist. Honestly, I seriously just saw a man and his character. Where I grew up it was a box of crayons. All colors.
We were kids. We never thought that way. We rode bicycles in the woods and ate marshmellows caught fogs, etc.

I can't really say that now. Almost every black person I know is slobbering all over Obama who is a total failure and an America hater.
I served this nation. I took an Oath. And the constition is looked at like a door mat now. Blatent constitutional violations with no response because everyone is afraid the minorities will riot. Like the OJ Simson deal. We let a know killer go because of fear.
I no longer see a man. I see a black man. I instantly think an Obama supporter, a racsist, someone out to get his from whitey.
It saddens me deeply. I never felt this way before. I don't like the thoughts that instantly jump in my head. America is a different place now.
I carry a gun everywhere I go now. And my town is a safe little town in Texas. I don't like the way our country is going. Not one bit.

So if you have become a person who thinks discriminator thoughts for some very good reasons what does that say about discrimination in general?
no, as I said they (the service member) are expected to use discretion

The Stanly Milgram experiment showed that most everyday ordinary people would be willing to violate their conscience and do horrible things to others if they were only told to do them by an authority figure. Soldiers are not ordinary people - they have gone through an indoctrination desiged to break their individual will and submit to authority.
Wouldn't this also be a function of Homeland Security? The TSA? VIPR Teams? They can pull you over on the freeway or check you out if your walking into McDonalds.

I would bet there are dozens of so called "security" organizations that the President could deploy. There is even a similar structure in the healthcare bill. I would be curious to see just how many groups there are at his disposal. When you read the NDAA, if it were in the wrong hands....I cringe to even think about it.

if the footsoldiers of coup are that spread out then they become that much harder to manage.

The Stanly Milgram experiment showed that most everyday ordinary people would be willing to violate their conscience and do horrible things to others if they were only told to do them by an authority figure. Soldiers are not ordinary people - they have gone through an indoctrination desiged to break their individual will and submit to authority.

as I pointed out above, that indoctrination was changed some years ago now.
Trayvon Martin Day declared at D.C. elementary school

By John Gonzalez
May 25, 2012 - 06:56 am


Obama's War on Race is moving forward as planned. If you doubt this in anyway just search "trayvon martin day" on youtube and watch the numerous videos of the propaganda that has been organized and supported by this racist administration!

Some dads have being doing their own "research". I wonder if any of this will be brought up at trial. Treyvon had been to 7-11 and bought an Arizona Watermelon drink and skittles. Apparently there is a concoction made with these ingredients + cold medication that kids do. They call it "Lean", which Trayvon had talked about on his FB account.


Some dads have being doing their own "research". I wonder if any of this will be brought up at trial. Treyvon had been to 7-11 and bought an Arizona Watermelon drink and skittles. Apparently there is a concoction made with these ingredients + cold medication that kids do. They call it "Lean", which Trayvon had talked about on his FB account.

theres usually a reason for stereotypes to come about.

say, based on this maybe Treyvon really IS BO's son ! seems BO was not just your occasional illegal drug user but a hawaiian Jeff Spicoli.



Some dads have being doing their own "research". I wonder if any of this will be brought up at trial. Treyvon had been to 7-11 and bought an Arizona Watermelon drink and skittles. Apparently there is a concoction made with these ingredients + cold medication that kids do. They call it "Lean", which Trayvon had talked about on his FB account.

Thanks for the link Cruella ...
Very interesting read!
"The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings; the inherent virtue of socialism is the equal sharing of miseries." -- Winston Churchill

I think the "sharing" actually is equal. When Oprah earns millions and an unemployed crack head earns nothing that is completely equal - they both earned exactly what they deserve.
People are convicted in this Country by evidence. If the prosecutor does not have any evidence to suggest that Zimmerman is not telling the truth, then Zimmerman will not nor should not be convicted. According to the DA's arrest warrant and the lead detective sworn testimony, there is no evidence to suggest Zimmerman was lying. In fact, the events, Zimmerman's injuries, and Zimmerman's testimony are all consistent with Martin attacking Zimmerman.

And, I do not believe this case will "encorage people to kill the opposite" with the exception of course, of the encouraging violence and hate by Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, the Martin's attorney, President Obama and the Black Panthers ....

Not racial profiling but class profiling. The media as well as police, is working for the ruling class. This case has two sides, one is the man with gun and the other is armless. It also relates to the right to search and kill. That's why the police released Zimmerman right away and later Zimmerman was probated with low bail - what Zimmerman did was police always did. The law is prejudicial to them. With great possibility, Zimmerman will quit the charge in the end.

The people who get angry are mostly the low ranking of the society. They used to be poor, having no money to buy gun to protect themselves, and can't afford to ask a lawyer to help. They have to bear the panick to be checked by police, (or some one like Zimmerman) and have to endure the result of death. A lot of them are black people. So people misunderstand it's a racial case. It happens all the time.
Not racial profiling but class profiling. The media as well as police, is working for the ruling class. This case has two sides, one is the man with gun and the other is armless. It also relates to the right to search and kill. That's why the police released Zimmerman right away and later Zimmerman was probated with low bail - what Zimmerman did was police always did. The law is prejudicial to them. With great possibility, Zimmerman will quit the charge in the end.

The people who get angry are mostly the low ranking of the society. They used to be poor, having no money to buy gun to protect themselves, and can't afford to ask a lawyer to help. They have to bear the panick to be checked by police, (or some one like Zimmerman) and have to endure the result of death. A lot of them are black people. So people misunderstand it's a racial case. It happens all the time.
Not sure I understand your analogy here.

This case doesn't have anyhthing to do with racial profiling nor class profiling. It is simply the story of a thug who was high on drugs wandering around suspiciously in a gated community that had been experiencing a high rate of recent criminal activity. Martin caught the attention of the neighborhood watchman, was pursued and then chose to attack Zimmerman. As a result Martin lost his life.

It matters not how the media is trying to spin it otherwise. The facts are clear and speak for themselves!
Not sure I understand your analogy here.

This case doesn't have anyhthing to do with racial profiling nor class profiling. It is simply the story of a thug who was high on drugs wandering around suspiciously in a gated community that had been experiencing a high rate of recent criminal activity. Martin caught the attention of the neighborhood watchman, was pursued and then chose to attack Zimmerman. As a result Martin lost his life.

It matters not how the media is trying to spin it otherwise. The facts are clear and speak for themselves!

ot-nay um-fra round-a ere-ha.... nod nod wink wink

However, readers with a long memory may recall that after the shooting initially happened, the FBI undertook an independent investigation, presumably on the off-chance that this was a hate crime. Now, the evidence appears to be in, and it shoots a gigantic hole in the theory of Zimmerman’s detractors that he was a racist loose cannon just waiting to go off. Reuters

Then, Zimmerman would have been accused of racial slurs and epithets and bullying The Child Trayvon and the homicide would be fully and 100% justified.

Black-on-white crime--is not a crime.
Ask around.