Why I believe Trump is unfit for the Presidency.

Which portion of society received the tax cuts?

Where in European countries does socialism not exist?
Democrats do not like people asking why they did not overturn the 'tax cuts for the republican wealthy' during times when the democrats controlled the presidency and both houses. Democrats have no intention of raising taxes on the rich because the majority of the rich are democrats.
People from Western Europe, that have socialized medicine are not migrating in any significant numbers to the US.
And US citizens are not migrating to Western Europe in large numbers because Americans have experienced freedom and do not want European socialism.
Trump signed a deal with the Taliban to give them everything they asked for in return for not shooting our troops on the way out.
But Von Shitzispants is a pusillanimous COWARD and refused to order the withdrawal. Biden was left with the mess. And he managed to evacuate more people in less time that anyone has ever done. The people killed were not killed by Talibanis.

You are ignorant and know nothing about history that happened under your nose.
Really? So Biden fixed that by giving everything away and still letting the moronic thugs shoot up our troops as they hastily and recklessly retreated at Biden's wimpy command.
45 million poor Americans is all that have signed up over the years for the healthcare tax plan? Something tells me democrats are wrong for claiming Obamacare is hugely popular among the majority of Americans. Democrats even had to voter fraud Franken into office in 2010 just to get enough votes to ram the unpopular tax plan through Congress against the massive majority of American voters who opposed the plan. Even Congress exempted themselves from the mandated plan because they knew how bad it was.
Something tells me you are a ******
You are so stupid you think someone can't support obamacaew unless they are signed up for it
God you are stupid lol
Democrats do not like people asking why they did not overturn the 'tax cuts for the republican wealthy' during times when the democrats controlled the presidency and both houses. Democrats have no intention of raising taxes on the rich because the majority of the rich are democrats.
You didn't answer the questions because they were false claims.
45 million poor Americans is all that have signed up over the years for the healthcare tax plan? Something tells me democrats are wrong for claiming Obamacare is hugely popular among the majority of Americans. Democrats even had to voter fraud Franken into office in 2010 just to get enough votes to ram the unpopular tax plan through Congress against the massive majority of American voters who opposed the plan. Even Congress exempted themselves from the mandated plan because they knew how bad it was.
It doesn't matter what you think because you've never experienced it. All your opinions come from hate.
Not random people lug nutty you said random I did not now did I lugnutty.
Obama care makes you pay for services you do not need .
they are random in terms of statistical terms.
you "knowing people" doesn't prove they are a statistically valid sample. duh.
And US citizens are not migrating to Western Europe in large numbers because Americans have experienced freedom and do not want European socialism.
They don't migrate to Western Europe because they don't speak any of the languages they would need to function there. There are quite a few Americans who have migrated to Ireland, Scotland and England. There are a lot of Americans that have retired to Portugal and Spain's Canary Islands.

Not that you would know anything about such things.
The US is great in many ways, but clearly not in every way. It has the ability to be far greater, but there is an oligarchy that includes Big Oil and other corporations and the neofascist Heritage Society that is pulling it in the wrong directions. No intelligent person should support an ignorant buffoon like Trump. The US has the power to save the planet and it refuses to do so.