So you are saying evil is essential?
So god made a world where evil is essential?
And he made the devil who he will reward with an eternal life doing what devils love to do ie burning people for thought crimes
Although why would Satan hurt people who are smart enough to reject the mad idea of god?
And you never hear about the Devil committing genocide against his own children
I reckon the devil is actually the good guy but you sure have to be insane to worship the vicious genocidal devil-making lunatic called god
Please help me understand
Of course, evil is essential. Not only is it essential, but it exists in all of us.
What non-believers fail to understand is that this life is a test. It's not the final answer ... it's not a free pass. It's a test.
God has shown us the way. He has shown us the light. But, he has also given us free will. We get to choose what life we live, what path we take, and thusly, what rewards - good or bad - we receive. He has told us what we must do in order to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven. We must prove ourselves worthy of it.
In order to be tested and measured, you must be offered alternatives. You can CHOOSE to cheat with your neighbor's wife. You can CHOOSE to steal from your employer. You can CHOOSE to lie to your children. You can do as you see fit, but know that you will be judged by those choices. We are NOT controlled by God ... we are JUDGED by God.
Thus, you, and other non-believers, conflate human action with heavenly mandate. Somehow, you have this mistaken impression that we all believe that God controls our actions, controls our lives, and that He should be blamed for all the things WE do wrong. To blame Him for the guy who shoots up a school is like blaming the judicial system for a guy who drives too fast.
It's easy, and it's convenient, to blame God for the mass murderer, the child rapist, or the thief. It's easy because, if we blame God, we don't have to acknowledge that evil exists in man, that we each have the capability for all those things, that we each must take responsibility for our choices. God didn't create him .. he judges him.
Non-believers think the church is a creation of God, and thus, any actions in the church are the responsibility of God. Nothing could be further from the truth. Churches are the creation of man ... and, as such, are vulnerable to all the foibles and weaknesses of man .. not God. The church has been used to promote greed, to promote hatred, to promote all the sins .. but that's because the church is built, managed, and controlled by man.