Prayer is ridiculous

Ah, but Dr. Who, I agree the cosmological argument gives a relativley sound base for proving the existence of a diety, as does your description (not analogy!). However, I am not interested in playing logic games to find out if any kind of creator exists at the moment, I am more interested in understanding why people accept organised religion despite its lack of proof.

If you saw God yourself would you believe in Him then?
You have made up a story about a creator that you cannot detect, is without supportive evidence and which presents a multitude of unanswerable questions as something that deserves to be taken seriously.

Stories that are made up tend to start with "once upon a time" or are claimed to be fiction by their authors. You have no compelling evidence that the bible is made up other than the fact that it contradicts your own world view. It could just be that it is you who is wrong.

And plenty of people have detected God and told us about what they detected. But you dismiss what they say with extreme prejudice.
Hmm is the bible fiction?

Tricky one.

I wonder how those two gazelles got off the ark without being eaten by the lions.

Maybe they asked the talking snake for advice.

It sounds like you are saying there must always have been something?

If so that isn't very illuminating.

I'm saying that yes, I believe chances are there has always been something. What it is though, we cannot pin point down to one certain organised religion.

However, as you were not there to experience existence outside the universe, or the creation of the universe, for you to simply say it was energy for sure and not an entity is just as arrogant and unsupported as saying there is a God.
Hmm is the bible fiction?

Tricky one.

I wonder how those two gazelles got off the ark without being eaten by the lions.

Maybe they asked the talking snake for advice.

You are avoiding the question. I am not asking about the bible or the ark or any of that. If you saw God, any God, would you believe in him? It could be Zeus or YWEH, or Diana.
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