Why didn't Lying Biden copy Trumps plan 4 years ago ?

Is Trump a dummy?

Why know, he is a genius. He even knows where Los Angeles gets its water: from CANADA.

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Yup, it's true, The Mighty Canadian River flows across the border from British Columbia and through a tunnel under the Mighty Columbia River. It takes a bridge across the Rogue River in Oregon, it takes an overpass over Sacramento and goes straight to L.A.
He was stating to get more water to the people and forest for wetter land. Why let it flow into the pacific?

Watch the rally and maybe you would understand it better! You can call him stupid all you choose to. He is not!

Per Trump….

Trump said all it would take would be to turn a massive “faucet,” to switch from the water going “aimlessly into the Pacific” to sending it to communities, while also stopping wildfires. And he threatened to withhold federal wildfire money from California if Newsom didn’t cooperate this time.

“You have so much water, and all those fields that are right now barren, the farmers would have all the water they needed. And you could revert water up into the hills, where you have all the dead forests, where the forests are so brittle. … The land would be damp, and you’d stop many of these horrible fires that are costing billions and billions of dollars by the federal government,” he said.
No, Trump was not proposing that California should get water from Canada, he said they were ALREADY DOING THIS, you dummy.
How do you "revert water up into the hills"? Doesn't Trump realize that water flows DOWN hills and does not revert up hills?

He says there is this GIANT FAUCET somewhere. I find it strange that what with drones and the Internet no one has posted a picture of the GIANT FAUCET yet.

No, Trump was not proposing that California should get water from Canada, he said they were ALREADY DOING THIS, you dummy.
How do you "revert water up into the hills"? Doesn't Trump realize that water flows DOWN hills and does not revert up hills?

He says there is this GIANT FAUCET somewhere. I find it strange that what with drones and the Internet no one has posted a picture of the GIANT FAUCET yet.

No, Trump was not proposing that California should get water from Canada, he said they were ALREADY DOING THIS, you dummy.
How do you "revert water up into the hills"? Doesn't Trump realize that water flows DOWN hills and does not revert up hills?

He says there is this GIANT FAUCET somewhere. I find it strange that what with drones and the Internet no one has posted a picture of the GIANT FAUCET yet.

I’m tired of you calling me something I know I am not. You sir are the dummy! Are you not aware of what can be done in today’s times? No! Leave me the hell alone! I no longer will respond to you! Not worth it at all!
Perhaps they could deport you. You are too annoying to be an actual American.
really you actually think that hey. tell you what you live in Florida how about we meet and i will prove you wrong and when I do you have to buy my dinner wherever I want to eat locally. You man enough to do it or not ,
The Republicans had a majority, but they refused to fund Trump's Wall, and of course, Mexico never paid even one centavito.
The wall was a super expensive project, particularly in Texas, because the land there along the border was in private hands and the government had to expropriate it and pay off the owners.

I don't hate the Bible, I just think that it is only a book and not what Christians claim it is.
They claim to believe all that is in i, yet they have not understood it and most have only read a few pages of it.
Republicans who blocked Trump's wall were stupid to help Democrats create the current massive illegal immigrant crisis Kackles has no clue how to resolve.
Republicans who blocked Trump's wall were stupid to help Democrats create the current massive illegal immigrant crisis Kackles has no clue how to resolve.
Trump certainly is clueless

Former President Donald Trump's promise to carry out "the largest domestic deportation operation in American history" would not only be a moral calamity requiring an enormous expansion of government—it would also be hugely expensive and ruinous to the American economy.

Trump certainly is clueless

Former President Donald Trump's promise to carry out "the largest domestic deportation operation in American history" would not only be a moral calamity requiring an enormous expansion of government—it would also be hugely expensive and ruinous to the American economy.

I am not in favor of now trying to deport millions of immigrants ushered into the US illegally by crooked Democrat plans and agenda, but neither do I support the continued flooding of immigrants into the US for leftist transformations of the nation to make it more compatible with one world fascist ideals and goals.
I am not in favor of now trying to deport millions of immigrants ushered into the US illegally by crooked Democrat plans and agenda, but neither do I support the continued flooding of immigrants into the US for leftist transformations of the nation to make it more compatible with one world fascist ideals and goals.
Didn't ask your worthless opinion lol
I just posted about how Trump is hateful and clueless