trump stole from fema to help migrants

I do not think that scientists claim to be right 99% of the time.
They claim only to accept the most logical theories until a more logical theory is discovered.

I repeat: science is not a religion, it is not a belief or a system of beliefs: it is a PROCESS for arriving at the best truth possible.
Science can theorize that humans inherited their brains from animals but ape-brained scientists certainly cannot prove that speculation.
Democrats claimed Trump did not spend his own money but spent campaign money, but they could not prove that and could have never proven that, the hateful mob of demented seditionist haters of God Bless America and patriotic Americans.
You are so stupid

They proved he broke the law because he was convicted
The issue wasn't whose money but the reporting of it

You are a true legal moooron
Leftist outlets generally report republican sins but not the sins of democrats.
So you feel that everyone has an obligation to report all their sexual interactions forever and that it is a crime to fail to report them?

Answer the question!
You are so stupid

They proved he broke the law because he was convicted
The issue wasn't whose money but the reporting of it

You are a true legal moooron
Trump was wrongly convicted on bogus charges primarily due to prosecutorial misconduct. A good judge would have thrown out the case at the outset but the judge in this democrat kangaroo court setting was biased and politically partisan and that contributed to the erroneous unjust conviction.
Trump was wrongly convicted on bogus charges primarily due to prosecutorial misconduct. A good judge would have thrown out the case at the outset but the judge in this democrat kangaroo court setting was biased and politically partisan and that contributed to the erroneous unjust conviction.
No he wasn't. He was guilty and you'll eventually have to accept that.
So you feel that everyone has an obligation to report all their sexual interactions forever and that it is a crime to fail to report them?

Answer the question!
If lefties feel a need to dig for dirt on republicans dating back decades then they should also feel a need to dig up dirt dating back decades on democrats as well, if their drive to do so was really moral and just.
If lefties feel a need to dig for dirt on republicans dating back decades then they should also feel a need to dig up dirt dating back decades on democrats as well, if their drive to do so was really moral and just.
Don't use the words morals and republicans in the same sentence. Not even you god had morals according to the old testament.
The problem has always been republicans claim to be Christians and never disobey god where as democrats are labelled by you as atheists.
Don't use the words morals and republicans in the same sentence. Not even you god had morals according to the old testament.
The problem has always been republicans claim to be Christians and never disobey god where as democrats are labelled by you as atheists.
Let me get this straight. You do not believe republicans are moral but democrats are?
Trump was wrongly convicted on bogus charges primarily due to prosecutorial misconduct. A good judge would have thrown out the case at the outset but the judge in this democrat kangaroo court setting was biased and politically partisan and that contributed to the erroneous unjust conviction.
nope, he was convicted.
sorry if the truth hurt, legal moooron.
All printing presses are controlled by the people who OWN them.
It is a FACT that when a Democrat is in the White House investors make more profits and employment is higher.

Do not forget that there are NO EXCEPTIONS to this since the 1930's.

People who own printing presses do not ignore this FACT.
I do not think that scientists claim to be right 99% of the time.
They claim only to accept the most logical theories until a more logical theory is discovered.

I repeat: science is not a religion, it is not a belief or a system of beliefs: it is a PROCESS for arriving at the best truth possible.
tell that to your buddy flapping mud nuts
You ready for the hurricane