trump stole from fema to help migrants

All printing presses are controlled by the people who OWN them.
It is a FACT that when a Democrat is in the White House investors make more profits and employment is higher.
The reason assassinations and murders of opponents are more frequently democrats murdering republicans than republicans murdering democrats is because crooked politically active mobsters know democrats tend to spend more money in ways that make it much easier for crooks to get rich from the unaudited money transfers.
Let me get this straight. You do not believe republicans are moral but democrats are?
Let me put you straight.
Both parties have the morals of alley cats when placed under pressure.

Don't be so foolish to think republicans are not guilty of anything. Trump is the best example ever.
biden "sold out" america" prove it, lying mooorn lol
Yes to illegals and your own admission he stole it like you claim trump did .Or is it different when he did it. How much did they each steal what was FEMA bank roll and obligations like .which one had the most illegals and why
Prove it was a false conviction lying moooron
Opinions are divided sharply along party lines. I do not agree with the Trump-hating leftist socialist democrat party crooked election tricks mob who secured the false convictions of their party's leading opponent and threat for unjust political advantage.

The best — and worst — criticisms of Trump’s conviction​

Was Trump wrongly convicted? The debate, explained.
by Eric Levitz
May 31, 2024, 5:19 PM EDT

1) Trump may have falsified business records, but he did not do so with an “intent to defraud,” in the legal sense of that term. As the National Review’s Andrew McCarthy argues, the Supreme Court recently confirmed that “intent to defraud” has a very specific and narrow legal meaning: It describes the intention to deprive someone of money, property, or some other concrete good through deception.

2) The claim that Trump falsified business records to conceal a separate crime rests on a dubious interpretation of an obscure and arguably inapplicable law. Legal analysts (from across the political spectrum) have long argued that the shakiest part of the prosecution’s case was the claim that Trump’s fraudulent paperwork was intended to cover up another crime.

3) There is little evidence that Trump knew he had violated campaign finance laws, let alone that he knowingly tried to conceal having done so. Donald Trump does not have a reputation for being highly fluent in the details of public policy or the legal niceties of the political system.
As National Review’s McCarthy argues, “there is not a shred of evidence that Trump was even thinking about FECA (the Federal Election Campaign Act) in 2016-17, much less willfully transgressing it — which, to establish, prosecutors need to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Trump was aware of a legal duty to comply with FECA’s contribution limits and reporting requirements, yet intentionally violated them.”
4) Even if Trump were guilty, the statute of limitations on his offense has already expired. The statute of limitations on misdemeanor business records falsification is two years; for the felony version, it’s five years.
Trump committed his alleged offense in 2017. But New York law holds that the clock on its statute of limitations stops when a defendant is “continuously” outside of the state. Therefore, it is plausible that the years Trump spent primarily in the White House and Mar-a-Lago do not count against the clock.
biden "sold out" america" prove it, lying mooorn lol
We cannot prove Biden received a big kickback from his billions of dollars gifts to the Iranian terrorists who have sworn to murder every American they can, but we still see the gifts as acts of treason.
No he didn't duh
Democrats claim the tens of millions of dollars Biden's FEMA doled out to blacks, gays, and immigrants was not from the same account reserved for homeland disasters. However, as Biden's impeached boy at homeland confessed, the kitty for homeland disasters, unlike the kitty reserved for democrat interests and voters, has run dry.