What is the Trinity?

I purposefully boldened and underlined Pocket's quote above. He tends to cry and whine to moderators when he thinks he's been attacked. Before I cause him to whine and cry again, I thought it wise to point out that he struck the first blow. :) He's personally attacked me several times now, but unlike him, I don't run crying for help! I'll handle this on my owm. An objective mind should conclude that all I'm doing here now is defending myself from HIS personal attack.

I'm sure pocket's life is worthless! That fact has nothing to do with my posts to him. Worthless people like Pockets cling to the Democrat party. They need leftwing government to GIVE them "worth", for they're incapable of succeeding on their own merits! I'm sure Pockets would be much happier if I didn't post replies to him. Leftists hate it when their idiocy is pointed-out to them in public. They'd much rather silence all opposition to their brainless, juvenile-minded babblings. Pockets LIED about about what I said in my post, expecting that folks would just believe him and ignore what I actually said. Pockets is like every other leftist, in that lies are the only way they can support their positions.

Pockets says that he has to "talk slow" and "down" to me so I'll "understand"???? :D To translate his comment, Pockets is saying that I'm too dumb to understand his "brilliant" arguments! I urge everyone to review the posts that Pockets has made and the posts that I and other Conservatives have made on this thread. Based on those posts, ask yourselves WHO doesn't understand! This is not a tough question, friends. :cool:

Bullshit you worthless twit...I have never gone to the mods...I could care less what you say.
can we ease up on the spelling crticism ? nobody is perfect.

Spelling--well yes, typos are typical.
But my other "suggestions"--are more to help that person improve their vocabulary, thus enhancing their stature everywhere they go.
But, really done in the spirit of self-improvement. Gently mentioned, in a Ghandi-esque fashion.

Think of how groups that say "ax" instead of "ask" would catapult vocabularially--if they mastered that one simple change.
And--I was in the language business all my working life--so it just spews forth naturally.

We all have idiosyncrasies that make things--interesting.
et al,

The Trinity is, more or less, Church Dogma.

It is a concept that that predates the Bible, at it includes the "Son;" presumably Jesus Christ.

The Blessed Trinity said:
The early Fathers were persuaded that indications of the doctrine of the Trinity must exist in the Old Testament and they found such indications in not a few passages. Many of them not merely believed that the Prophets had testified of it, they held that it had been made known even to the Patriarchs. They regarded it as certain that the Divine messenger of Genesis 16:7, 16:18, 21:17, 31:11; Exodus 3:2, was God the Son; for reasons to be mentioned below (III. B.) they considered it evident that God the Father could not have thus manifested Himself (cf. Justin, Dialogue with Trypho 60; Irenaeus, Against Heresies IV.20.7-11; Tertullian, Against Praxeas 15-16;Theophilus, To Autolycus II.22; Novatian, On the Trinity 18, 25, etc.). They held that, when the inspired writers speak of "the Spirit of the Lord", the reference was to the Third Person of the Trinity; and one or two (Irenaeus, Against Heresies II.30.9; Theophilus, To Autolycus II.15; Hippolytus, Against Noetus 10) interpret the hypostatic Wisdom of the Sapiential books, not, with St. Paul, of the Son (Hebrews 1:3; cf. Wisdom 7:25-26), but of the Holy Spirit. SOURCE: http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/15047a.htm
I have had many people try to explain it to me. Essentially, it amounts to three distinct aspect forms or manifestations of one Supreme Being. This is, what apears to be, one of those mystical somethings taken on faith.

As a child, I was raised Catholic. I went to Catechism classes and was an Alter Boy. I guess the teaching was beyond me. Just as I recognized that the apparitions, immortals, and deities depicted on Chiller Theater were imaginary, so did I come to believe that the rituals, dogma, and devine teachings of The Church were mental gymnastics; invented by man, to foster and perpetuate a religious following and power.

There is a strong opposing view, based on faith and "selected" ancient writings that many believe were inspired by "God." This is, no less valid, than my evaluation. There are many that have the education and can speak for the Church, and have an absolute belief. I am often impressed and enjoy their lectures. But I am not persuaded. But I am just one man with an opinion.

Throughout history, there have been a huge number of those that were inspired by "God" for the benefit of man - in one way or another.

And there were many more. They all had followers. Some large groups and some very small. But the key to them all was their ability to attract people into the fold.

Organizationally, there are literally thousands of belief programs with many different agendas.

Of course my very favorite is The Illuminati. Periodically, someone tries to generate re-interest in The Illuminati; as Wes Penre does in his quest to enlighten people.

Most Respectfully,
"et cum spiritu tuo"
It takes the appropriate experience, often later in life, to bring those things you are exposed earlier in life into proper perspective.
Keep an open mind.