Jesus = good. Yahweh/Allah = evil. Trinity = evil?

Gnostic Christian Bishop

Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2013
Jesus = good. Yahweh/Allah = evil. Trinity = evil?

In Chrestianity, which I think was the original Gnostic Christianity before Christianity took it over and changed the name to Christianity, Jesus was considered a good man archetype. Jesus’ God was also thought of as a good God.

Christianity and Islam created a demonstrably evil Yahweh/Allah with an immoral Original Sin concept, as well as other immoral doctrines, --- that the Jewish myth never had. Jews read an Original Virtue into Eden. Not a fall.

Christianity created and adopted the Trinity concept many years after Jesus died. Christianity kowtowed to Constantine and tied a reasonably good Jesus to a demonstrably evil Yahweh/Allah.

Was it a good idea to tie a good Jesus to an evil Yahweh/Allah?


No doubt, the traditional Christian view of God is inspired by pagans. It totally paints God to be something he is not - as in some verses he's shown as just - but then contradicted in other verses (eternal "anguishing" hell doctrine, double predestination etc.).
No doubt, the traditional Christian view of God is inspired by pagans. It totally paints God to be something he is not - as in some verses he's shown as just - but then contradicted in other verses (eternal "anguishing" hell doctrine, double predestination etc.).

I hear you but am not sure what you mean with your double predestination.

I see single predestinations even in the more Gnostic Christian verses that I quote but see no double situations. Explain please.
