What happens when political ideologues control government agencies or courts, like the current conservative majority on SCOTUS?

yet you invoked it in a post as a singular reason.

then you invoked precautions. and that too blew up in your face.

it seems you would say anything if you thought it would help you at the time. they are sincere arguments based in logic.
I oppose all abortions for ungodly reasons at any age of development.
One thing Trump destroyed in America is shame. For example some posters could be shown clearly to be wrong here day in day and out and they will continue their behavior as if no one noticed.
But you claimed he voted against it because he supported infanticide
Thanks for admitting you lied
Yes, Obama voted against protections for babies who survive abortions. He is like Kamala in supporting the execution of unborn babies and just born babies.
One thing Trump destroyed in America is shame. For example some posters could be shown clearly to be wrong here day in day and out and they will continue their behavior as if no one noticed.
No democrat of note has ever apologized to President Trump for the fake Russian collusion lie.
Men and women may not like taking respoonsibility for children they bring into the world but murdering the babies to prevent the adults from having to deal with their responsibility is wicked.
Not forcing parents to donate kidneys to their children is wicked?
Yes, Obama voted against protections for babies who survive abortions. He is like Kamala in supporting the execution of unborn babies and just born babies.
I checked and surprise surprise you lied again. Here:

After researching and analyzing the issue, two independent fact-checking groups, Politifact and Factcheck.org

both determined it’s not true to claim Obama supported legislation that said “any child born prematurely … can be killed.” In fact, the Pulitzer Prize-winning Politifact rated the Santorum’s assertion “Pants on fire” – its rating that a statement is “not accurate and makes a ridiculous claim.”
Who would you suggest should apologize and why?
Why should thieves and liars apologize to President Trump for deliberately lying about him, corruptly influenceing the election for their own corrupt selfish political gain? I understand why lying looting lefties have trouble seeing why that is something they should do.