What happens when political ideologues control government agencies or courts, like the current conservative majority on SCOTUS?

It seems even you could not refute that bringing pregnancy to term is more dangerous than abortion.

But yet again you ignored the argument of mine that you quoted.
Killing babies because of fears of childbirth are not a legitimate executions.
It seems even you could not refute that bringing pregnancy to term is more dangerous than abortion.

But yet again you ignored the argument of mine that you quoted.
If women are scared of childbirth then let them take steps to prevent pregnancies, not kill their babies if they get pregnant.
I have dozens of articles on file dealing with Obama's radical support for unlimited abortion which is what he promotes for votes. Was this the one you were looking for?

https://publicintegrity.org/politic...bortion-stance-in-illinois-statehouse-raised/ 8-28-12

Daily Disclosure: Obama’s abortion stance in Illinois statehouse raised

by Rachael Marcus

An “abortion survivor” criticizes Obama’s votes when he was a state senator in Illinois.

An anti-abortion group released an ad featuring an “abortion survivor” accusing then-Illinois state Sen. Barack Obama of voting to “deny basic, constitutional protections for babies born alive from an abortion.”

The nonprofit Susan B. Anthony List ad references the fracas that surrounded President Obama’s voting record on a bill that would protect babies that have survived abortions.

How Will You Answer?” features Melissa Ohden.

“I’m going to tell you something you may not know. Many children, more than you might think, actually survived failed abortions and are born alive,” Ohden says. “I know, because I’m one of them.”

How Will You Answer? will air in Missouri at a cost of $150,000. Women’s rights have consumed the public conversation following remarks about “legitimate rape” made by the state’s Republican nominee for U.S. Senate, Todd Akin.

Ohden refers to Obama’s votes in the Illinois State Senate against the Illinois Born Alive Protection Act in 2001, an issue first brought to national attention in 2008 by nurse-turned-activist Jill Stanek.
Why did he vote against the bill?
You can cut and paste but show no ability to think
And many of them do but they still get pregnant.
Men and women may not like taking respoonsibility for children they bring into the world but murdering the babies to prevent the adults from having to deal with their responsibility is wicked.
Comparing unborn babies to berries is a wicked excuse used by leftists to murder unborn babies.
That was referring to the size of the fetus and you know it. But your hand is bankrupt and dishonest debate tactics are the only way you can continue this debate.
That was referring to the size of the fetus and you know it. But your hand is bankrupt and dishonest debate tactics are the only way you can continue this debate.
If executing an unborn baby the size of a small dog is not right then what size must an unborn baby be before executing it is right?
If executing an unborn baby the size of a small dog is not right then what size must an unborn baby be before executing it is right?
You invoked pain Then you admitted a fetus size of a raspberry does not feel pain. But when you felt cornered you ran away from your own argument and standard and declared such questions (much like the question you are asking here) to be gotcha questions.
You invoked pain Then you admitted a fetus size of a raspberry does not feel pain. But when you felt cornered you ran away from your own argument and standard and declared such questions (much like the question you are asking here) to be gotcha questions.
Pain or no pain is hardly a factor to be used to determine whether or not to end the life of a growing baby.
Pain or no pain is hardly a factor to be used to determine whether or not to end the life of a growing baby.
yet you invoked it in a post as a singular reason.

then you invoked precautions. and that too blew up in your face.

it seems you would say anything if you thought it would help you at the time. they are sincere arguments based in logic.