What happens when political ideologues control government agencies or courts, like the current conservative majority on SCOTUS?

Post your link again where he publically stated that. I know you can't.
I have dozens of articles on file dealing with Obama's radical support for unlimited abortion which is what he promotes for votes. Was this the one you were looking for?

https://publicintegrity.org/politic...bortion-stance-in-illinois-statehouse-raised/ 8-28-12

Daily Disclosure: Obama’s abortion stance in Illinois statehouse raised

by Rachael Marcus

An “abortion survivor” criticizes Obama’s votes when he was a state senator in Illinois.

An anti-abortion group released an ad featuring an “abortion survivor” accusing then-Illinois state Sen. Barack Obama of voting to “deny basic, constitutional protections for babies born alive from an abortion.”

The nonprofit Susan B. Anthony List ad references the fracas that surrounded President Obama’s voting record on a bill that would protect babies that have survived abortions.

How Will You Answer?” features Melissa Ohden.

“I’m going to tell you something you may not know. Many children, more than you might think, actually survived failed abortions and are born alive,” Ohden says. “I know, because I’m one of them.”

How Will You Answer? will air in Missouri at a cost of $150,000. Women’s rights have consumed the public conversation following remarks about “legitimate rape” made by the state’s Republican nominee for U.S. Senate, Todd Akin.

Ohden refers to Obama’s votes in the Illinois State Senate against the Illinois Born Alive Protection Act in 2001, an issue first brought to national attention in 2008 by nurse-turned-activist Jill Stanek.
I have dozens of articles on file dealing with Obama's radical support for unlimited abortion which is what he promotes for votes. Was this the one you were looking for?
For example:

President Obama signed an executive orderWednesday afternoon reaffirming that no federal money will be used to pay for abortions under the new health care reform law.

some posters lie whenever they open their mouth.

Here is one more:

Obama: Obama supports a woman's right to decide if she wants an abortion. But he recently told a Christian magazine that he would be open to limiting health exceptions to bans on abortions after fetal viability to situations in which the pregnant woman's physical health was at risk, not just her mental health.
I have dozens of articles on file dealing with Obama's radical support for unlimited abortion which is what he promotes for votes. Was this the one you were looking for?

https://publicintegrity.org/politic...bortion-stance-in-illinois-statehouse-raised/ 8-28-12

Daily Disclosure: Obama’s abortion stance in Illinois statehouse raised

by Rachael Marcus

An “abortion survivor” criticizes Obama’s votes when he was a state senator in Illinois.

An anti-abortion group released an ad featuring an “abortion survivor” accusing then-Illinois state Sen. Barack Obama of voting to “deny basic, constitutional protections for babies born alive from an abortion.”

The nonprofit Susan B. Anthony List ad references the fracas that surrounded President Obama’s voting record on a bill that would protect babies that have survived abortions.

How Will You Answer?” features Melissa Ohden.

“I’m going to tell you something you may not know. Many children, more than you might think, actually survived failed abortions and are born alive,” Ohden says. “I know, because I’m one of them.”

How Will You Answer? will air in Missouri at a cost of $150,000. Women’s rights have consumed the public conversation following remarks about “legitimate rape” made by the state’s Republican nominee for U.S. Senate, Todd Akin.

Ohden refers to Obama’s votes in the Illinois State Senate against the Illinois Born Alive Protection Act in 2001, an issue first brought to national attention in 2008 by nurse-turned-activist Jill Stanek.
No. Quote where he actually said it. I know you can't.
Here is a medical fact: average pregnancy+birth is more dangerous than average abortion. So on what basis should we force women to maintain pregnancy and then give birth? Women are not slaves and must have bodily autokk no one just men and other women who are not pregnant. Do we for example ever force a father to donate a kidney to their child if the they need a kidney?
For example:

President Obama signed an executive orderWednesday afternoon reaffirming that no federal money will be used to pay for abortions under the new health care reform law.

some posters lie whenever they open their mouth.
Democrats have always violated laws defunding abortion clinics, and democrats and lefties allow the law breaking because they know nobody will likely ever charge them with breaking such laws.
Here is one more:

Obama: Obama supports a woman's right to decide if she wants an abortion. But he recently told a Christian magazine that he would be open to limiting health exceptions to bans on abortions after fetal viability to situations in which the pregnant woman's physical health was at risk, not just her mental health.
A woman has total control over her own body but not total control over her baby's body and especially no right to murder her own baby.
Here is a medical fact: average pregnancy+birth is more dangerous than average abortion. So on what basis should we force women to maintain pregnancy and then give birth? Women are not slaves and must have bodily autokk no one just men and other women who are not pregnant. Do we for example ever force a father to donate a kidney to their child if the they need a kidney?
Women die in abortions also. If women want to risk death by elective procedures then that is their business, but the fact that some babies die is no justification for killing them for pleasure.
What Obama said may have been different. I am talking about what Obama did.
Here's what you saud

I have dozens of articles on file dealing with Obama's radical support for unlimited abortion which is what he promotes for votes.

You have clearly stated he said he supported unlimited abortion. You are a liar once again. You hate him so must it must be unbearable to tolerate it.
Democrats have always violated laws defunding abortion clinics, and democrats and lefties allow the law breaking because they know nobody will likely ever charge them with breaking such laws.
Your answer to a cite is word salad, and unsubstantiated at that.
Women die in abortions also. If women want to risk death by elective procedures then that is their business, but the fact that some babies die is no justification for killing them for pleasure.
It seems even you could not refute that bringing pregnancy to term is more dangerous than abortion.

But yet again you ignored the argument of mine that you quoted.
Here's what you saud

I have dozens of articles on file dealing with Obama's radical support for unlimited abortion which is what he promotes for votes.

You have clearly stated he said he supported unlimited abortion. You are a liar once again. You hate him so must it must be unbearable to tolerate it.
I forget what Obama said in justification for voting against protections for born alive babies but that is what he did.