Were and are socialist experiments beneficial to their respective inhabitants?

Since an assumption is any idea one accepts as accurate without knowing it is true, no, sir, I do not have evidence to support my claim. I cannot and do not ascribe intent concerning the CCP and its approach to domestic chattel slavery. It is a supposition based on the CCP's overall approach to the well-being of its citizenry, which is one of the world's finest. As mentioned, China's average life expectancy in 1949 was 36 years, which is currently 78.08 years.

According to the Pew Research Center, the percentage of China's workers in its middle-income strata increased from 3.1% in 2000 to slightly more than 50% by 2018. By the end of the 2020s, an additional 80 million workers will accompany them. By contrast, the U.S.'s "middle class" fell from 61% of its population in 1971 to roughly 50% today.

What improvement can we revel in for those victims of the Chinese iron curtain imprisoned in their homeland for 78 years instead of for 36 years?
Therefore, it only makes sense that a government that has drastically increased average life expectancy, literacy, and education levels while drastically decreasing infant mortality, neonatal death rates, and other social ills would also strive to eliminate chattel slavery. Of course, it is also the case that some aspects of the CCP are actively subjecting Uyghurs in the Xinjiang region to chattel slavery. However, discrimination against Chinese Uyghur Muslims has been a cultural pathology for hundreds of years rather than a specific manifestation of the CCP.
How can abortion mandates translate into honorable efforts to reduce infant mortality rates? Furthermore, there are significant implications in the fact that so many thousands of 'happy' Chinese citizens risk endangering their lives to migrate to the US while so few US citizens by comparison are found to be seeking to migrate to China.

Furthermore, the U.S. and British-led imperialist hypocrisy surrounding the issue of the oppression of Uyghurs is glaring. Among other concerns, the U.S., which has murdered millions of Muslims in the Middle East and Central Asia throughout the past twenty years, has no wiggle room to condemn the CCP concerning anything, let alone the subjugation of Muslims.
US wars against Muslims are defensive, not offensive. Contrary to foolish leftist ideology and bias, US cops are not the criminals in most cases where blacks resisting arrest get shot or killed, and US soldiers who shoot mass murdering Muslim terrorists are also not the bad guys in those necessary military actions.
No, supporting humane slavery as an alternative to starvation where there are no other alternatives is not a bad thing.
I said slavery in general
Is 8nvoltary slavery immoral in any situation y3s or no?

You are such a pathetic coward lol
I said slavery in general
Is 8nvoltary slavery immoral in any situation y3s or no?

You are such a pathetic coward lol
I have never seen any indication from you that you divide slavery into more than one category, such as slavery in particular and slavery in general. Involuntary slavery is not moral except for those imprisoned against their will for violating human laws, for offending God, or for reasons that are just that God approves of for reasons humans may or may not understand.
I have never seen any indication from you that you divide slavery into more than one category, such as slavery in particular and slavery in general. Involuntary slavery is not moral except for those imprisoned against their will for violating human laws, for offending God, or for reasons that are just that God approves of for reasons humans may or may not understand.
Coward lol
You can't admit God and the Bible support immoral slavery

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