Let's break this down Comrade - the
BOLD text is your wording
The ethnic cleansing of the indigenous natives of North America. ... and what ancient Egypt did to the Jews
or Australia did to their natives, or the African tribesmen who sold their enemy to slave traders or how about current issues like what Pakistan is doing to the people on the border to India or " Islamic Jihadist" want to do to the ENTIRE WORLD
The war crime of exploding Atomic bombs over two Japanese cities. Can't argue that!
The misadventure in Vietnam and nearby countries. That was to try to stop Communism which has never been successful without harming it's
own subjected peoples
US adventurism in Mexico and all points south. Come on ... ADVENTURISM? Really

... and Tovarisch Putin would NEVER do that in places like Afghanistan or Syria or even Iran!
The current wars in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq and the probable wars in Syria, Iran and anywhere
that has the unfortunate luck to discover a resource that the US wants and needs and does not want
to pay the market price. Be specific - what U.S. interest in resources do Afghanistan and Pakistan own?
I open the total at 3 million Vietnamese killed..more to follow. More to follow? Just like Russian Communism is leading us to our own American Gulag Camp's
The Black Book of Communism: Crimes, Terror, Repression is an interesting book to read.
Then there are the facts about Genocide in Ukraine in 1932 where about 14 million people died of starvation.
That was because of in the year of 1928 when Stalin's infamous Five-Year plan began and his infamous Gulag's started to sprout up (sort of like OUR internment camps {
A newly uncovered Army document details U.S. internment camps on American soil.})
I feel so sorry for you and your delusion - you have no idea what you are wanting and what has already been lost because of people like you!
People like MY WIFE who came to the USA as a political refugee from Communist Hungary actually despises the weakness of the left leanings of Romney ... all because SHE LIVED in that mess you so animatedly insist is wonderful ...