Well-Known Member
The wars are going very badly and they will make Vietnam look like a party
The wars are going very badly and they will make Vietnam look like a party
Good business is made by producing a reliable product that people like. But to keep that product reliable and likeable, you need good employees who are satisfied and giving you their 100%. In order to be a successful business, you need good, satisfied employees who give you 100%.
They innately know and balk at being treated like slaves, and many have resorted to passive-aggression to take out their anger on their employer. Ie: sabotage. (Enjoy the cult movie "Office Space" in your spare time to see an illustration of this basic human edict..)
So, a company that is treating its employees as expendable and replaceable slaves is in danger of being sabotaged. Sabotage leads to poor product performance and whammo, overnight a business can be put under (follow the breadcrumbs backwards now...you can do it!) by its own mistreatment of its employees.
Now, a socialist CEO would be the most successful over time. And of course the best and most profitable businesses are those that hang in to reap profits over long periods of time. We have some notable exceptions but this seems to be the rule.
Capitalistic CEOs who operate soley on greed and short-sided profiteering at the expense of their foundation, their employees, may get lucky now and then, but by and large they would be like betting on a dark horse with a fractured leg in a race. That weak bone may not break, or it may. The gamble lies with the stockholders.
The wars are going very badly and they will make Vietnam look like a party
A British military commander fighting in Afghanistan today says the war is unwinnable.
But you probably know better from watching Fux news.
You gullible fool
I notice that yet again you don't address the point.
A British Military commander who is fighting there says the war is unwinnable.
There are numerous books out by journalists who have lived and breathed the war who describe it as chaos.
You Americans are just suckers for propaganda.
The US will limp home from both wars in disgrace when they run out of the money to keep fighting them.
They will never win.
It is Nam all over again.
But you think you get the truth from the evil bastards in the whitehouse.
You are too stupid to realise that your government uses propaganda as much as any if not more.
You read too many comic books. Just isn't true.It is a nation in the grip of relgious fundamentalism
. Like China?It practises gross abuses of human rights
It consumes most of the planets resources and pollutes massively
It is an international bully