Explaining Democrat Policy

Ok, this is for all the Democrat Voters who are complaining that we don't discuss the "Issues" and instead use petty attacks (Pot calling the kettle black).

Here's an issue from not long ago that directly relates to a popular theme, healthcare costs... Democrats in Congress impose ever greater regulation and what happens? The costs rise... Of course there are those here who pretend this isn't the case, they pretend its the "greedy" companies who seek to make a profit... Perhaps someone who fits that description can justify the following:

Congress “Lags” in Passing FISA Bill, Supports Caffeine Addiction Instead…
Posted by: Chris Jacobs (February 28, 2008, 04:47 PM)

This afternoon, House Majority Leader Hoyer announced that the mental health parity bill (H.R. 1424) would be considered in the House next Wednesday. Among other provisions, the bill would require employers who offer mental health coverage to provide benefits for a wide array of mental health and substance abuse diseases, and impose numerous federal mandates on group health insurance plans.

At a time when Democrats are refusing to allow the House to vote on legislation extending the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act to protect our country from terrorists, the House will instead take time to vote on a bill that would require employers to cover such “disorders” as jet lag and caffeine addiction—not to mention psycho-sexual disorders like gender identity disorder and pedophilia.

Instead of making our nation safe from terrorists, Democrats are working hard to rid us from the evils of jet lag. It would be funny if it weren’t so sad—and dangerous.

Legislation like the garbage Democrats have proposed here encourage, or even force, companies that offer mental health coverage for their employees to drop it altogether as it becomes too costly.

On the other side of the equation, the added federal mandates on Group Health Insurance plans drives up the costs of Insurance premiums...

Democrats do everything in their power to make healthcare as expensive as possible, because they know thats the best way to get all you Democrat voter rubes to go along with nationalizing the healthcare industry... Notice how none of their proposals for reducing the costs have anything to do with reversing or eliminating the provisions and mandates they place on Insurance companies that cause the costs to rise?

Democrats give the same answer for EVERY problem: Greater regulation and higher taxation. That's the Democrat panacea for all the nations problems.
Ok, this is for all the Democrat Voters who are complaining that we don't discuss the "Issues" and instead use petty attacks (Pot calling the kettle black).

Here's an issue from not long ago that directly relates to a popular theme, healthcare costs... Democrats in Congress impose ever greater regulation and what happens? The costs rise... Of course there are those here who pretend this isn't the case, they pretend its the "greedy" companies who seek to make a profit... Perhaps someone who fits that description can justify the following:

Legislation like the garbage Democrats have proposed here encourage, or even force, companies that offer mental health coverage for their employees to drop it altogether as it becomes too costly.

On the other side of the equation, the added federal mandates on Group Health Insurance plans drives up the costs of Insurance premiums...

Democrats do everything in their power to make healthcare as expensive as possible, because they know thats the best way to get all you Democrat voter rubes to go along with nationalizing the healthcare industry... Notice how none of their proposals for reducing the costs have anything to do with reversing or eliminating the provisions and mandates they place on Insurance companies that cause the costs to rise?

Democrats give the same answer for EVERY problem: Greater regulation and higher taxation. That's the Democrat panacea for all the nations problems.

My goodness! A resounding THUD from the rush of the LIBS responding to this, eh? Go figure...

If this wasn't so truly grave, it would be laughable. As it is, it's one more proverbial nail in the coffin of American business. If BO and company are successful in their plans next week, the huge sucking sound Ross Perot warned us of is going to be but a whispered memory.
My goodness! A resounding THUD from the rush of the LIBS responding to this, eh? Go figure...
Its always been like this... We post stuff about Obama, they cry, "You guys never talk about the issues!"

We post about actual issues... and in the case of this thread, actual legislation thats proposed, or passed, by Democrats in Washington... and whats the result? They are all busy talking about Palin's wardrobe, how many Republicans have jumped ship and other important "issues" that really concern the country and our future. :rolleyes:

OH... Did I mention that where "facts" are concerned (you know, the stuff they say we're short on and never provide), actual legislation doesn't seem to count as being factual... Actual statements made by Democrats are also deemed to be irrelevent and don't count as facts?

Navigating through the Lefts Double Standard mine field is fun. :)