We Need A Bounty On Trump Cultists

you know its republicans who are whining about media and tech all the time, right? lol.
for example: "And in his controversial 11-point plan to “rescue” America, Sen. Rick Scott of Florida, who leads the GOP effort to regain the Senate majority, threatens legal action against social media companies that “censor speech and cancel people.”"
Social media companies that shut down conservative speech are worse than Nazis.
Righties want to shut down free speech because they believe there is no truth but what they have been brainwashed by other righties to believe.

see i can type stupidity but fortunately i am just doing this to mock you
What if Mark is right (as well as Right)?
you know its republicans who are whining about media and tech all the time, right? lol.
for example: "And in his controversial 11-point plan to “rescue” America, Sen. Rick Scott of Florida, who leads the GOP effort to regain the Senate majority, threatens legal action against social media companies that “censor speech and cancel people.”"
Have you a need for a 1st Amendment lawyer?
claimed propaganda is not worse than nazi death camps.
god hates when you are hateful.
Hitler lied and deceived the German people in order to rise to power and millions died as a result. Democrats lied and deceived the American people and are currently destroying freedom and justice through stolen power. The damage done by lying and deceit is inestimable.


Psalm 31:18
Let the lying lips be put to silence; which speak grievous things proudly and contemptuously against the righteous.