We Need A Bounty On Trump Cultists

They are so disgusting you keep posting them over and over ? Lol
Sure stick to that story
I would post photos of live babies being butchered during abortions, but leftist baby killers often try to destroy anyone showing those disgusting images to the generally dull, ignorant, and insensitive American public.
I would post photos of live babies being butchered during abortions, but leftist baby killers often try to destroy anyone showing those disgusting images to the generally dull, ignorant, and insensitive American public.
All I know is that you started talking about goddesses and posted those pictures
No judgement it's all good
All I know is that you started talking about goddesses and posted those pictures
No judgement it's all good
Unlike the unsaved barbarian, I know there is no God but Jesus.

Foxx calls Obama 'our lord and savior'​


11/26/2012 07:49 AM EST

Some Democrats adore other Democrats too much.
Lefties want to shut down free speech because they believe there is no truth but what they have been brainwashed by other leftists to believe.
Righties want to shut down free speech because they believe there is no truth but what they have been brainwashed by other righties to believe.

see i can type stupidity but fortunately i am just doing this to mock you