How far out of touch is this guy, anyway?

Why do you say he is not qualified?

Because he makes absurd statements that indicate he doesn't understand just how difficult it has become to get a job that pays a living wage. He's wealthy himself, and thinks that anyone who isn't simply is lazy and dirty. He's a loose cannon, shooting off his mouth. Would you like to see Joe Biden as president? He has the same problem, it seems to me. Come to think of it, we haven't heard a lot from Joe lately, have we?

Why can't you ignore Newt's skeletons like you did BO's?

So, that's what it comes down to. In order to hold our collective noses and vote for a leader, we have to ignore the skeletons in his closet. No wonder the country is in trouble.
Because he makes absurd statements that indicate he doesn't understand just how difficult it has become to get a job that pays a living wage. He's wealthy himself, and thinks that anyone who isn't simply is lazy and dirty. He's a loose cannon, shooting off his mouth. Would you like to see Joe Biden as president? He has the same problem, it seems to me. Come to think of it, we haven't heard a lot from Joe lately, have we?

So, that's what it comes down to. In order to hold our collective noses and vote for a leader, we have to ignore the skeletons in his closet. No wonder the country is in trouble.

What, pray tell, is a living wage and who ought to set it?

(This ought to be good.)
On 1 FEB 2012 there will be but three Republican candidates remaining: Romney, Perry and Newt.

and you know this how? Crystal ball? Why is Cain out of the running? Couldn't a dark horse like Huntsman come to the front?

I would be happy with any one of those as the GOP standard bearer. I have my favorite but I will support, work and voter for whoever the GOP candidate might be.

As long as it is Romney, or someone you don't think will be in the running. If it is Perry or Newt the newt, then a second Obama term is much more likely.

What I like about Newt is that he is a thinker and has a great grasp of history and the world. He has no tact and no personality. So maybe he, if elected, would just stay in the White House and do the People's work vice running around trying to get his picture on the nightly News. Wouldn't that be wonderful? A full time President.

Yes, that would be wonderful. Maybe he wouldn't be what he appears to be during the campaign after all. Maybe he wouldn't just say to America's unemployed, "Let them eat cake." Maybe he would do a complete turnaround and gain the tact and personality he needs to be a real leader.

Maybe unicorns will frolic in fields of clover under spectacular rainbows.
Because he makes absurd statements that indicate he doesn't understand just how difficult it has become to get a job that pays a living wage. He's wealthy himself, and thinks that anyone who isn't simply is lazy and dirty. He's a loose cannon, shooting off his mouth.

Can you please cite some examples of Newt making absurd statements? I suspect what you think is absurd and what I think is absurd are, two different things.

Everyone running for president is wealthy. Does that disqualify them all? How do you know Newt believes ANYONE WHO ISN'T (RICH) is simply lazy and dirty??? How can you possibly know this? Do you have proof of this?

I do not like Newt because he allied himself with your friend Nancy P. That is a valid reason for disliking him. You have cited completely invalid and silly reasons for disliking him...sort of like a liberal usually does.
and you know this how? Crystal ball? Why is Cain out of the running? Couldn't a dark horse like Huntsman come to the front?It's my opinion. I like Mr. Cain but I don't think another person with no experience at governing is the answer to one that had no experience.

As long as it is Romney, or someone you don't think will be in the running. If it is Perry or Newt the newt, then a second Obama term is much more likely. If Obama looses, it will be a first in post WWII politics. I pray for his defeat very day.

Yes, that would be wonderful. Maybe he wouldn't be what he appears to be during the campaign after all. Maybe he wouldn't just say to America's unemployed, "Let them eat cake." Maybe he would do a complete turnaround and gain the tact and personality he needs to be a real leader.I agree, we need a leader. The Fool, Bobo, the Post Turtle, is far from a leader. Any of the current eight GOP candidates would do a much better job than he.

Maybe unicorns will frolic in fields of clover under spectacular rainbows.

You asked and I answered. Amassing!

Every single one of them could have a job tomorrow selling Amway door to door. Everyone of them would almost certainly sell something and therefore earn more than they are earning in the park right now. And while I do not advocate joining Amway as a means to get rich (it is just an example of how easy it is to be employed) it is the company in this country that has made more millionaires than any other company.
If they can't find a job, make their own job. No, it is not easy but it is better than sitting around on property that is not theirs and complaining that others aren't giving them money.

I like Newt. I hope he does well. We need adults in this race.

He cheated on his wife while blaming Clinton for having an affair in the White house. And he is still far far better than Romney and Obama.
He cheated on his wife while blaming Clinton for having an affair in the White house. And he is still far far better than Romney and Obama.

I agree that Newt is much better than Romney or Obama, but he never complained that Bill was having sex in the Oval Office, if he did it was just jealousy. The crime was not the sex, but the lie, under oath to a Federal Judge.

p.s., We are electing a President not a pastor.
Can you please cite some examples of Newt making absurd statements? I suspect what you think is absurd and what I think is absurd are, two different things.

Everyone running for president is wealthy. Does that disqualify them all? How do you know Newt believes ANYONE WHO ISN'T (RICH) is simply lazy and dirty??? How can you possibly know this? Do you have proof of this?

I do not like Newt because he allied himself with your friend Nancy P. That is a valid reason for disliking him. You have cited completely invalid and silly reasons for disliking him...sort of like a liberal usually does.

I dislike him for invalid, liberal reasons. You dislike him for valid, conservative reasons. What do you think his chances are of actually being elected?
Every single one of them could have a job tomorrow selling Amway door to door. Everyone of them would almost certainly sell something and therefore earn more than they are earning in the park right now. And while I do not advocate joining Amway as a means to get rich (it is just an example of how easy it is to be employed) it is the company in this country that has made more millionaires than any other company.

Sure, that's a sure fire plan to get the economy moving again. We'll all just go door to door selling each other crap.
I dislike him for invalid, liberal reasons. You dislike him for valid, conservative reasons. What do you think his chances are of actually being elected?

That makes no sense at all...other than you dislike Newt for invalid a liberal would. I did not say you disliked him because you are a liberal.

And, I do not dislike him for 'conservative reasons'. I dislike him because he sided with Pelosi on the world's biggest warming. That is a very specific reason having nothing to do with conservatism.

I suspect his chances of getting elected are slim.
Ask that question again in early September 2012 after the Republican Nation Convention.

lets just say for argument's sake that Noot does get the nod, ask the question after the first debate (assuming Obama agrees to debate). McCain made him look bad, imagine what Noot will do to him>...
lets just say for argument's sake that Noot does get the nod, ask the question after the first debate (assuming Obama agrees to debate). McCain made him look bad, imagine what Noot will do to him>...

It would be a smart and very cleaver ploy on Obama's part to skip the debates if The Newt is the GOP candidate.

The MSM might not like that all that much. Those debates do bring in the TV revenues, now don't they. Obama will have more than enough money to placate (read buy off) the MSM.

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