We Need A Bounty On Trump Cultists

See what I mean there is something wrong with him .I don't know what happened . Maybe his mom kicked him out of the back seat when he was little and he hurt his little had while she was with a john ,I know very unlikely but its possible . He could be one of these ,

No one knows for sure what happened to him , but it had to be bad , very bad I think.
You can't stop thinking and posting about me lol
You even made up some cute stories about me that you felt the need to share with everyone
You can't stop thinking and posting about me lol
You even made up some cute stories about me that you felt the need to share with everyone
You claim others are obsessed with you also , in case you have forgot .That tells me there is something wrong with you right there .
Do not know whats all is wrong in that little twisted liberal mind of yours , but something and I would guess more then one thing is broken or bent or just sick and need a fixing !!!!!!
You claim others are obsessed with you also , in case you have forgot .That tells me there is something wrong with you right there .
Do not know whats all is wrong in that little twisted liberal mind of yours , but something and I would guess more then one thing is broken or bent or just sick and need a fixing !!!!!!
Why can't others be obsessed with me? Does it hurt you that you aren't my "one and only" stalker?
It's amusing how many posts about me you make lol
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They occupy entirely TOO MUCH REAL-ESTATE!!!!!
View attachment 4192
She's all in BLUE, with a Mickey Mouse ice cream bar in her hand, reaching for her welfare card no doubt so she can buy more.

Defintely a supreme case of PEDOCRAT PROJECTING!!!!

We all know how the Pedocrats LOVE to project all the heinous problems they create onto others!!!!
She's all in BLUE, with a Mickey Mouse ice cream bar in her hand, reaching for her welfare card no doubt so she can buy more.

Defintely a supreme case of PEDOCRAT PROJECTING!!!!

We all know how the Pedocrats LOVE to project all the heinous problems they create onto others!!!!
Pedocrat? You love looking immature and dumb