There goes the god theory.

We live in a very interesting time.

As the "horizon" of our universe expands, new (to us) galaxies will come into view.

But only for a while. Those newest galaxies will redshift and dim and disappear from view. Then the galaxies we have know for a century will do the same thing. Eventually, there will be no galaxies in the sky to look at.

Then eventually, the same thing will happen with all the stars.
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We live in a very interesting time.

As the "horizon" of our universe expands, new (to us) galaxies will come into view.

Bit only for a while. Those newest galaxies will redshirt and dim and disappear from view. Then the galaxies we have know for a century will do the same thing. Eventually, there will be no galaxies in the sky to look at.

Then eventually, the same thing will happen with all the stars.
Those newest galaxies will redshirt and dim and disappear from view.

LOL, a redshirt sounds like a dumb English fag.

In reality the greatest redshift is in the oldest galaxies, so as far as I can tell this is some sort of DOD IQ test to see how many of your errors that I can spot.

What an irrelevant and odd outburst.
Sorry are you a Bud Light tranny?

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So are you a millionaire too?
Those newest galaxies will redshirt and dim and disappear from view.

Correct, the redhsift is in the oldest galaxies. Which are also naturally the furthest from us.

Eventually, the expansion will push even the close galaxies so far from us that they redshift and dim and eventually wink out from view entirely.

Correct, the redhsift is in the oldest galaxies. Which are also naturally the furthest from us.

Eventually, the expansion will push even the close galaxies so far from us that they redshift and dim and eventually wink out from view entirely.

Royal Navy carrier HMS Queen Elizabeth (R08) was forced to cancel its deployment at the last minute because of a problem with its propeller shaft, with sister ship HMS Prince of Wales (R09) now being mobilized to replace it.

On Sunday, the Royal Navy posted a statement on the social media channel X from Fleet Commander Vice Adm. Andrew Burns.

“Routine pre-sailing checks yesterday identified an issue with a coupling on HMS Queen Elizabeth’s starboard propeller shaft. As such, the ship will not sail on Sunday. HMS Prince of Wales will take her place on NATO duties and will set sail for Exercise Steadfast Defender as soon as possible,” reads the statement.

In other relevant news the Titanic did not need watertight bulkheads, because it was unsinkable. The redshirt design

Actually redshift is in all galaxies, just more pronounced in the older and more distant.

130 here, how bout yu
And yes, abiogenesis is a fact. Once there was no life, then there was life. Facts.

Therefore, life formed.

Fact .

Some here offer magic as the mechanism.

And some don't.
And yes, abiogenesis is a fact. Once there was no life, then there was life. Facts.

Therefore, life formed.

Fact .

Some here offer magic as the mechanism.

And some don't.
In order for abiogenesis to be a fact, the experiments to replicate it would need to have been a success, when in reality they all failed. That much at least is fact.
In order for abiogenesis to be a fact, the experiments to replicate it would need to have been a success, when in reality they all failed. That much at least is fact.
No. For the formation of life to be a fact, all we have to know is that once there was no life. Then there was.

We.dont have to replicate trillions and trillions of interactions over 100s of millions of years. Just as we don't have to make a volcano in a lab to know that volcanoes do, indeed, form. Same for stars.

Is star formation a fact? Yep.
This means that the universe is expanding uniformly in all directions. Like a balloon being inflated or your belly as you eat
Now imagine taking two sharpies as the balloon is inflated, placing them on two different spots on the balloon, and moving them toward each other, across the balloon's surface, until they meet.

Surely you don't think this is an impossible task.
And there is no good reason to think our true universe is not infinite. That our universe is finite only in the sense of information that could ever affect our future.

And that our infinite universe is not but one of an infinite number of infinite universes.

Feel free to say, "God did that!" I would be more impressed with that than by someone saying God designed herpes and syphilis.
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No. For the formation of life to be a fact, all we have to know is that once there was no life. Then there was.

We.dont have to replicate trillions and trillions of interactions over 100s of millions of years. Just as we don't have to make a volcano in a lab to know that volcanoes do, indeed, form. Same for stars.

Is star formation a fact? Yep.
Which gene was formed in the lab from nothing?