There goes the god theory.

That's not a theory. It's a fact. We measured it.

Saying that space is expanding is a statement of fact.
The universe inflating has been measured, not space. Try again kid, and try explaining where the missing 95% of your universe is. My universe is all there right where it belongs
Are you suggesting eath rocks "created water through fusion"? That would be pretty dumb. The earth rocks and the asteroids and the comets are all just material that formed our solar system.

So the water found in earth rocks and asteroids and comets all formed before this material collected into the spinning cloud that formed our solar system.

So you have not spoken at all to the source material and the new discovery in it.

And earths rocks are generally water poor compared to the amount of water on earth, which is how scientists know much (not all) of the water on our planet was delivered by asteroids and comets AFTER the earth formed.
No I'm am not suggesting anything I'm telling you what science thinks the newest in thing is.
What a bizarre lie.

You're really having a hard time with these simple concepts.

Space can and does expand. If objects within it are moving toward one another faster than space is expanding (as the two galaxies are), then they will collide.

With me so far? Please pay attention. You don't want to go through the entire rest of your life getting this all wrong and embarrassing yourself.
I think what what your missing is with the big bang is it happened all of a sudden and equally they should be disbursed evenly . Now they are not and its because of dark matter and gravity in my opinion. If you follow science closely you should know the James Webb telescope is changing sciences views as to how the universe formed and how old it is .
think what what your missing is with the big bang is it happened all of a sudden and equally they should be disbursed evenly
I didn't miss that. Neither did scientists.

And you're wrong anyway. What it would mean, with an initial, homogeneous state and no quantum fluctuations, is that there would not even be galaxies. That the universe would.just be a sooth, homogeneous mix of hydrogen and a little helium. Not that the galaxies would be "evenly spaced".

But the above conditions didn't happen in this universe. In this universe, we have fluctuations at the quantum level. These fluctuations created the seeds that formed objects that attracted other objects via gravity.