There goes the god theory.

the entire universe is expanding
And the Andrmeda galaxy is moving toward the milky way galaxy.

Now I want you to wipe the foam away from the corners of your mouth and think about the two above facts, and what they mean for the nonsense you made up.

Because it is, indeed, nonsense.

And abiogenesis is a fact. Once there was no life, then there was.
I didst claim evolution did not happen and you can no more prove how life started then any one can prove god exists or not. A true open minded person who likes science who keep the possibility open because the FACT is YOU DO NOT KNOW FOR SURE.

Now I hate to do this to you but read this .

Abiogenesis is the idea of life originating from non-living material (non-life). This concept has expanded a great deal as mankind’s understanding of science has grown, but all forms of abiogenesis have one thing in common: they are all scientifically unsupportable. There have been no experiments demonstrating abiogenesis in action. It has never been observed in a natural or artificial environment. Conditions believed to have existed on earth are either incapable of producing the building blocks needed, or self-contradictory. No evidence has been found suggesting where or when such life might have generated. In fact, everything we know of science today seems to indicate that abiogenesis could not have happened under any naturally possible conditions.

Abiogenesis, as a field of scientific inquiry, is still in its infancy. It is not very far down the road of an accepted theory. The other leading theory is that life formed at hydrothermal vents in the deep sea. The heat and chemicals that would have been available there include naturally forming molecules that are "heavily featured in biology.

Its not FACT as you claim because it has not been proven , just as gods existence has not been proven or did proven. I am familiar with the 1952 experiment and no life was created and attempts to do so have all failed .

So as you can see its NOT FACT .I can say I think life came from space on a comet or asteroid its just as sound a claim as yours but can I prove it to be FACT .

Same with god I neither or you or any one can not prove he is real or not, No one said you or Boris or 3 cell have to believe. Maybe be a little more tolerant would be wise .

You believe in abiogenesis and thats fine and your right to . Just as its marks to believe what he wishes .
You really need to slow down. Abiogenesis is a fact. I already said we didn't know exactly how it happened.

But it is a fact. As is the fundamental theory of evolution.

You can doubt them or disbelieve them. But that just makes you wrong.
And the Andrmeda galaxy is moving toward the milky way galaxy.

Now I want you to wipe the foam away from the corners of your mouth and think about the two above facts, and what they mean for the nonsense you made up.

Because it is, indeed, nonsense.

And abiogenesis is a fact. Once there was no life, then there was.
Since you are correct that the milky way and andromeda will collide in another 4,5 billion years, you just disproved the big bang without even knowing it.

You may want to believe that abiogenesis is a fact, but literally no scientist with credentials agrees with you, not even Dawkins says this. On the flip side your mother obviously spent lots of time crawling around in the mud, where she met your dad the slug
Correct. It did.

Just like... what? I'm not sure you understand the source material.
I understand there are other possibility your not considering that water came from rocks of the earth ,Again no one knows this for FACT there no way to prove it over other possibly,

Geoscientists continue to debate two competing theories. One suggests that Earth’s water might have been captured from asteroids and comets that collided with the planet. But recent research has strengthened the case for the other theory that water was always present in the rocks of the Earth’s mantle and was gradually released to the surface through volcanoes. Working out which mechanism was more important would not only give us a better understanding of the Earth’s history but also help us in the search for other planets that could support life.

Again science thinks but no way to prove which one is right .
Science and theory chance often .
Since you are correct that the milky way and andromeda will collide in another 4,5 billion years, you just disproved the big bang without even knowing it.
What a bizarre lie.

You're really having a hard time with these simple concepts.

Space can and does expand. If objects within it are moving toward one another faster than space is expanding (as the two galaxies are), then they will collide.

With me so far? Please pay attention. You don't want to go through the entire rest of your life getting this all wrong and embarrassing yourself.
understand there are other possibility your not considering that water came from rocks of the earth

Are you suggesting eath rocks "created water through fusion"? That would be pretty dumb. The earth rocks and the asteroids and the comets are all just material that formed our solar system.

So the water found in earth rocks and asteroids and comets all formed before this material collected into the spinning cloud that formed our solar system.

So you have not spoken at all to the source material and the new discovery in it.

And earths rocks are generally water poor compared to the amount of water on earth, which is how scientists know much (not all) of the water on our planet was delivered by asteroids and comets AFTER the earth formed.
What a bizarre lie.

You're really having a hard time with these simple concepts.

Space can and does expand. If objects within it are moving toward one another faster than space is expanding (as the two galaxies are), then they will collide.

With me so far? Please pay attention. You don't want to go through the entire rest of your life getting this all wrong and embarrassing yourself.
Since the universe is expanding outward, that is the direction that space is expanding. Or so the unproven theory says.

In 1929, Edwin Hubble provided the first observational evidence for the universe having a finite age. Using the largest telescope of the time, he discovered that the more distant a galaxy is from us, the faster it appears to be receding into space. This means that the universe is expanding uniformly in all directions. Like a balloon being inflated or your belly as you eat