There goes the god theory.

That wouldn't matter to whether or not there is a zombie God.

The godbotherers can point at abiogenesis and say, "God did that!"
But what does matter are delusional government paycheck fools like you that believe that a black hole is a star.

But what does matter are delusional government paycheck fools like you that believe that a black hole is a star.

Oops, you turned into a 4 year old again.

Someone please give this guy some attention. He needs it.
Oops, you turned into a 4 year old again.

Someone please give this guy some attention. He needs it.
Says the kid who literally claims that a black hole is a star with billions of solar masses, because he heard this on the Gerry Springer show
Why study matter when retards like you can answer everything with your bible

God wanted us to be enslaved, so believe in him

You may not realize it but your dishonest slander of me is a bad reflection on you. I have not used the Bible in discussing the God particle.
They did find it. Why are you so goddamn weird?
They said they found something that they interpreted as the God particle. Big whoop. What have they done with their discovery other than prove the particle is not doing what they expected or have thus far understood.

Physicists have a massive problem as Higgs boson refuses to misbehave | New Scientist 8-7-20


Physicists have a massive problem as Higgs boson refuses to misbehave

Leah Crane

7 August 2020
The CMS experiment at CERN is studying the Higgs boson

Max Brice/CERN

Physicists have spotted the Higgs boson performing a new trick, but one that brings us no closer to understanding the workings of fundamental particles.

The Higgs boson, discovered at the CERN particle physics laboratory near Geneva, Switzerland, in 2012, is the particle that gives all other fundamental particles mass, according to the standard model of particle physics. However, despite the work of thousands of researchers around the world, nobody has been able to figure out exactly how it does that or why some particles are more massive than others.
You may not realize it but your dishonest slander of me is a bad reflection on you. I have not used the Bible in discussing the God particle.
Yet you babble that the Earth is 6000 years old, which you got right out of the bible

A schizoid might not see the connection

Do you?
They said they found something that they interpreted as the God particle

They found the Higgs Boson.

"God particle" was a stupid nickname by one guy that stuck in the media. It has nothing to do with gods or zombie kings or fairies or leprechauns.

Yet you babble that the Earth is 6000 years old, which you got right out of the bible

A schizoid might not see the connection

Do you?
When we measure the distance between earth and the moon and calculate how much closer it must have been to earth 4 billion years ago we find 4 billion years is scientifically improbable.

They found the Higgs Boson.

"God particle" was a stupid nickname by one guy that stuck in the media. It has nothing to do with gods or zombie kings or fairies or leprechauns.

They claimed they found the boson but they still show evidence of confusion about whether they have really uncovered anything or not. I am reminded of the time secularists first came up with the nuclear fusion source theory for the sun's energy after their old theory ended up proving the sun was younger than 30 million years. The problem they then encountered was that the measurable amount of decay from fusion did not match inescapable scientific quantities that they were expecting.

Hence the invention of the neutrino. Interestingly, the neutrino was invented in order to make their conservation of energy calculations work but that again thrusted them into a bigger problem that became known as the "Neutrino problem," that remained unresolved for about 70 years. Scientists solved the neutrino problem in much the same was they solved the missing God particle problem. They just tweaked the rules, altered a few definitions, changed the requirements, and voila! - Problem solved.

The Solar FAQ: Solar Neutrinos and Other Solar Oddities (

What are neutrinos?

Interestingly enough, the neutrino was first invented as an ad hoc hypothesis, in order to save the laws of conservation of energy and momentum from falsification. Around 1930, in the first detailed studies of radioactive beta-decays, it was found that some energy and momentum went missing in each decay. Beta decay involves the conversion of a neutron into a proton, accompanied by the emission of an electron, and nothing else visible. The energy carried away by the electron ought to match the energy released by the atom in the process – but it didn't! Wolfgang Pauli proposed to explain this discrepancy by postulating that an additional, invisible particle was emitted along with the electron, carrying away the missing energy and momentum. This "ghost particle" was named neutrino. (For some of Pauli's original musings about the neutrino, see Mössbauer (1998).)

Now, ad hoc hypotheses, invented purely to save our favorite theories, are generally frowned upon in science, and for good reason. But the neutrino hypothesis was ultimately vindicated, when the ghost particle was finally demonstrated to have a real existence, more than twenty years later. Today, the neutrino is well established as partner to the electron in our standard theory of elementary particles. It has the same basic properties as the electron, and participates in the same interactions, except that it lacks an electric charge, and has a nearly zero mass.
When we measure the distance between earth and the moon and calculate how much closer it must have been to earth 4 billion years ago we find 4 billion years is scientifically improbable.
Sorry again kid, because the moon is not 4.7 billion years old as it is theorized to be a chunk off of an already existing Earth after an enormous asteroid or even planet impact. You are retarded and sad even for a bible nut


Keep babbling special ed agent Q
When we measure the distance between earth and the moon and calculate how much closer it must have been to earth 4 billion years ago we find 4 billion years is scientifically improbable.
What page does the bible detail the age of the moon? You do know that the moon had to be formed less than 6000 years ago in order to orbit the Earth according to your brainless ideas. I wonder if you can even see how schizzo that you sound