There goes the god theory.

Stephen Hawkin gave up looking for the god particle and after the Nobel prize seekers claimed to have found it Mr. Hawkins opined that it could someday destroy the universe. Setting the record straight, God, not the god particle, did create all things and He will destroy the heavens and earth and make a new heaven and hearth in replacement.

Researchers trying to find support for their 'big bang' speculations settled on the Higgs boson as the key to unlocking the miraculous mystery of the origin of the universe. They are still ever learning but have not gotten any closer to the truth.
Nobody thinks the God particle did anything. It's a misnomer nickname that scientists don't even like. Get it through your head! This is like taking to a wall
Nobody thinks the God particle did anything. It's a misnomer nickname that scientists don't even like. Get it through your head! This is like taking to a wall

Discovering the god particle has done very little for secularists who now want governments to build them another collider so they can keep searching for whatever it is they still need to find to prove God did not create the universe.
Discovering the god particle has done very little for secularists who now want governments to build them another collider so they can keep searching for whatever it is they still need to find to prove God did not create the universe.
Good God this is weird. Are you even reading my posts?

Nobody is trying to disprove god. Paranoid delusion.
Discovering the god particle has done very little for secularists who now want governments to build them another collider so they can keep searching for whatever it is they still need to find to prove God did not create the universe.
I bet you get a boner when you say secularists
I don't agree with the speculations about the moon and the earth being one body in the ancient past. What sort of fancy scientific theory allows for the two to separate if they once had been the same? Something like single cell evolutionary cell division?

Genesis 1:15-17​

King James Version​

15 And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth: and it was so.​

16 And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also.​

17 And God set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth,​

It had nothing to do with any silly god.

Good God this is weird. Are you even reading my posts?

Nobody is trying to disprove god. Paranoid delusion.
The whole concept of the God particle is founded on the unproven belief that some sort of unplanned and uncaused miraculous big bang created the universe instead of God.
The whole concept of the God particle is founded on the unproven belief that some sort of unplanned and uncaused miraculous big bang created the universe instead of God.

Let's take this slow. Do you believe the god particle theory is in any way connected with the unproven big bang theory of the origin of the universe?
The Higgs boson's nickname "the God Particle" was solidified upon its discovery, namely as a result of the popular media. The origin of this is often connected to Nobel Prize-winning physicist Leon Lederman referring to the Higgs boson as the "Goddamn Particle" in frustration with regards to how difficult it was to detect.

Business Insider says that when Lederman authored a book on the Higgs boson in the 1990s the title was to be "The Goddamn Particle" but the publishers changed this to "The God Particle" and a troublesome connection with religion was drawn, one which bothers physicists to this day.

Still, it's hard to overestimate the importance of the Higgs boson and the Higgs field in general, as without this aspect of nature no particles would have mass. That means no stars, no planets, and no us  —  something which may help warrant its hyperbolic nickname.

In 1964, researchers had begun to use quantum field theory to study the weak nuclear force  —  which determines the atomic decay of elements by transforming protons to neutrons  —  and its force carriers the W and Z bosons.

The weak force carriers should be massless, and if they weren't this risked breaking a principle of nature called symmetry which  —  just like the symmetry of a shape ensures it looks the same if it is turned or flipped  —  ensures the laws of nature are the same however they are viewed. Putting mass arbitrarily onto particles also caused certain predictions to trend towards infinity.

Yet, researchers knew that because the weak force is so strong over short distance interactions  —  much more powerful than gravity  —  but very weak over longer interactions, its bosons must have mass.

The solution proposed by Peter Higgs François Englert, and Robert Brout, in 1964 was a new field and a way to "trick" nature into breaking symmetry spontaneously.
Let's take this slow. Do you believe the god particle theory is in any way connected with the unproven big bang theory of the origin of the universe?
The experiment was successful but there's no conclusive evidence to connect them but it's looking like it is.
The Higgs boson's nickname "the God Particle" was solidified upon its discovery, namely as a result of the popular media. The origin of this is often connected to Nobel Prize-winning physicist Leon Lederman referring to the Higgs boson as the "Goddamn Particle" in frustration with regards to how difficult it was to detect.

Business Insider says that when Lederman authored a book on the Higgs boson in the 1990s the title was to be "The Goddamn Particle" but the publishers changed this to "The God Particle" and a troublesome connection with religion was drawn, one which bothers physicists to this day.

Still, it's hard to overestimate the importance of the Higgs boson and the Higgs field in general, as without this aspect of nature no particles would have mass. That means no stars, no planets, and no us  —  something which may help warrant its hyperbolic nickname.

In 1964, researchers had begun to use quantum field theory to study the weak nuclear force  —  which determines the atomic decay of elements by transforming protons to neutrons  —  and its force carriers the W and Z bosons.

The weak force carriers should be massless, and if they weren't this risked breaking a principle of nature called symmetry which  —  just like the symmetry of a shape ensures it looks the same if it is turned or flipped  —  ensures the laws of nature are the same however they are viewed. Putting mass arbitrarily onto particles also caused certain predictions to trend towards infinity.

Yet, researchers knew that because the weak force is so strong over short distance interactions  —  much more powerful than gravity  —  but very weak over longer interactions, its bosons must have mass.

The solution proposed by Peter Higgs François Englert, and Robert Brout, in 1964 was a new field and a way to "trick" nature into breaking symmetry spontaneously.
Particles still have mass. Particles do not need for godless secularists to try to prove God did not create the universe and the particles that make up the universe. The secularists claim they have found the god particle but so what? Particles already have mass so what can they do with this newfound 'discovery?'
The experiment was successful but there's no conclusive evidence to connect them but it's looking like it is.
If I was blindly agreeable, I could say, 'What difference does it make whether leftists claim Biden legitimately won the 2020 election, or secular researcher claim they have discovered neutrinos or god particles that will never mean anything to the overwhelming majority of human beings on earth?'
If I was blindly agreeable, I could say, 'What difference does it make whether leftists claim Biden legitimately won the 2020 election,
Makes no difference at all because he did.
or secular researcher claim they have discovered neutrinos or god particles that will never mean anything to the overwhelming majority of human beings on earth?'
Same again. Neutrinos exist. It doesn't matter if you don't believe it. It still exists.
The god particle is experimental at this stage to ascertain the beginning of the universe. But you already know that. God told you.