There goes the god theory.

Particles still have mass. Particles do not need for godless secularists to try to prove God did not create the universe and the particles that make up the universe. The secularists claim they have found the god particle but so what? Particles already have mass so what can they do with this newfound 'discovery?'
You ignorantly dismiss every piece of proven science because it conflicts with your filthy hideous beliefs.
Makes no difference at all because he did.

Same again. Neutrinos exist. It doesn't matter if you don't believe it. It still exists.
The god particle is experimental at this stage to ascertain the beginning of the universe. But you already know that. God told you.
Neutrinos have existed for nearly 100 years since secularists first invented them to keep the energy of the sun from proving the universe is less than 30 million years old.

The Solar FAQ: Solar Neutrinos and Other Solar Oddities (

What are neutrinos?

Interestingly enough, the neutrino was first invented as an ad hoc hypothesis, in order to save the laws of conservation of energy and momentum from falsification. Around 1930, in the first detailed studies of radioactive beta-decays, it was found that some energy and momentum went missing in each decay. ...

Now, ad hoc hypotheses, invented purely to save our favorite theories, are generally frowned upon in science, and for good reason. But the neutrino hypothesis was ultimately vindicated, ...
Particles still have mass. Particles do not need for godless secularists to try to prove God did not create the universe and the particles that make up the universe. The secularists claim they have found the god particle but so what? Particles already have mass so what can they do with this newfound 'discovery?'
Did it ever occur to you that CERN might actually prove God? How does it feel to be a godless atheist secularist in a World where 4 out of 5 people believe in s higher power?
Neutrinos have existed for nearly 100 years since secularists first invented them to keep the energy of the sun from proving the universe is less than 30 million years old.

The Solar FAQ: Solar Neutrinos and Other Solar Oddities (

What are neutrinos?

Interestingly enough, the neutrino was first invented as an ad hoc hypothesis, in order to save the laws of conservation of energy and momentum from falsification. Around 1930, in the first detailed studies of radioactive beta-decays, it was found that some energy and momentum went missing in each decay. ...

Now, ad hoc hypotheses, invented purely to save our favorite theories, are generally frowned upon in science, and for good reason. But the neutrino hypothesis was ultimately vindicated, ...
Who invented neutrinos and how did they do this.

The sad thing for you is that you will not even deny being a confused atheist pretending to believe in God

But rest assured Satan has a throne for you, it's made of pure magma
The experiment was successful but there's no conclusive evidence to connect them but it's looking like it is.
The experiment actually failed because what they were looking for is a massless particle that would give rise to mass and they discovered that the higgs is actually a heavy particle
Did it ever occur to you that CERN might actually prove God? How does it feel to be a godless atheist secularist in a World where 4 out of 5 people believe in s higher power?
I believe CERN might lose it funding from godless atheists if it declares it has discovered God created the universe just like the Bible says.
Who invented neutrinos and how did they do this.

The sad thing for you is that you will not even deny being a confused atheist pretending to believe in God

But rest assured Satan has a throne for you, it's made of pure magma
All I can tell you right now is that Talk Origins said the neutrino was invented to preserve the conservation of energy. Humans are always trying to help God save His creation.
In other words you looked it up and literally no one except for you thinks that a black hole is a star.

PS. Psych 101, when people say that they do not care................................they do
I think this is the original lug nut but he just changed avatars and name. Its hard to think there are 2 of them that stupid,
here we are debating if god is real and the liberals have a real hard on for anyone with any religious beliefs , yet they defend a mentally incompent president who is guilty of crimes but getting a pass because of it. tell you where thier heart is at
Science is the graveyard of religion.

Personally, I wouldn't offend those who believe in any god but I agree, that discovery is very exciting. The more we learn about not just our planet but the rest of the universe the more we learn, it's all connected.

We are all connected. Whether we like it or not.

As for "god", which one do you mean or do you mean all gods?

There are many gods and faiths.

I know what it's like to have your faith insulted. Christians do that to my faith all the time. It's one of the reasons why I don't ever talk about my faith around most christians. They don't understand and quickly resort to attacking me.

I won't be like that so I won't insult or offend anyone's faith. I also believe in the first Amendment to our constitution. We are all free to worship as we choose. Or not worship any god as we choose.

Just because some christians don't understand that doesn't mean that it's ok to be like those christians.
All I can tell you right now is that Talk Origins said the neutrino was invented to preserve the conservation of energy. Humans are always trying to help God save His creation.
So in other words you believe that neutrinos did not exist before some human that you can't name invented them.

Must be fun being retarded
All I can tell you right now is that Talk Origins said the neutrino was invented to preserve the conservation of energy. Humans are always trying to help God save His creation.
So in other words you believe that neutrinos did not exist before some human that you can't name invented them.

Must be fun being retarded
I think this is the original lug nut but he just changed avatars and name. Its hard to think there are 2 of them that stupid,
Good point as lug#1 seems to be missing