There goes the god theory.

One definition.

And again, I don't care if we call it a star or not. This is a useless nomenclature debate. You guys should focus more energy on your ignorance and misunderstanding of the basic concepts that have arisen in this discussion.
In other words you looked it up and literally no one except for you thinks that a black hole is a star.

PS. Psych 101, when people say that they do not care................................they do
In other words you looked it up and literally no one except for you thinks that a black hole is a star.

PS. Psych 101, when people say that they do not care................................they do
Please stop whining. You aren't going to cover for the many ignorant errors you have made in this thread about fundamental.concepts.
Please stop whining. You aren't going to cover for the many ignorant errors you have made in this thread about fundamental. Concepts.
I do not need cover, certainly not from a twit who claimed at least five times that a black hole is a star, then figured out after being mocked that he was wrong.

Now give the nurse back her phone
I do not need cover, certainly not from a twit who claimed at least five times that a black hole is a star, then figured out after being mocked that he was wrong.

Now give the nurse back her phone
Yes, you want attention, and this is how you get it. Hope you enjoyed it.
The higgs boson or God particle has been found
I tend to think there was more politics than real science involved in the reported 'discovery' of the Higgs boson in 2013. First, there was extreme pressure on scientists to find something after billions of dollars were spent on the collider and subsequent research, and secondly, there was motivation for Higgs to 'discover' the elusive 'particle' to become eligible for the Nobel Peace prize.

The 'god particle' has not really given scientists much to go on in their elusive search for the origin of life and matter, but they can publish some fancy papers.

I am reminded of how scientists had to invent the Neutrino in order to preserve their calculations when they switched from the gravitational contraction theoretical source of the sun's energy to the nuclear fusion theoretical source of the sun's energy.
They did find it. And it had nothing to do with gods. That was a goofy nickname that stuck and that, frankly , scientists hate.
What do we know now that we did not know before the Higgs boson was 'discovered?' Nothing. Researchers think they saw something they settled on was a Higgs boson, but there is a lot of room for debate. Furthermore, the 'discovery' of the 'God particle' does not prove the big bang, how the bang occurred, what caused it to occur, or where the original God particle supposedly came from which invented the universe. There is much more to the debate as well.
I tend to think there was more politics than real science involved in the reported 'discovery' of the Higgs boson in 2013. First, there was extreme pressure on scientists to find something after billions of dollars were spent on the collider and subsequent research, and secondly, there was motivation for Higgs to 'discover' the elusive 'particle' to become eligible for the Nobel Peace prize.

The 'god particle' has not really given scientists much to go on in their elusive search for the origin of life and matter, but they can publish some fancy papers.

I am reminded of how scientists had to invent the Neutrino in order to preserve their calculations when they switched from the gravitational contraction theoretical source of the sun's energy to the nuclear fusion theoretical source of the sun's energy.
LOL you are just mad that the higgs is also referred to as the God particle. So pull up your panties and relax
What do we know now that we did not know before the Higgs boson was 'discovered?' Nothing. Researchers think they saw something they settled on was a Higgs boson, but there is a lot of room for debate. Furthermore, the 'discovery' of the 'God particle' does not prove the big bang, how the bang occurred, what caused it to occur, or where the original God particle supposedly came from which invented the universe. There is much more to the debate as well.
You're just making up lies. Apparently your tactic is a gish gallop made up lies, then everyone else is supposed to sift through the steaming pile you just pinched off in the middle of the room.

Uh, no, I think not.
You're just making up lies. Apparently your tactic is a gish gallop made up lies, then everyone else is supposed to sift through the steaming pile you just pinched off in the middle of the room.

Uh, no, I think not.
Nevertheless, secularists want to build another multi-billion-dollar super collider in hopes that further research may make sense of the alleged God particle they think they have found.
Nevertheless, secularists want to build another multi-billion-dollar super collider in hopes that further research may make sense of the alleged God particle they think they have found.
Why study matter when retards like you can answer everything with your bible

God wanted us to be enslaved, so believe in him

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