There goes the god theory.

Black holes contain planets too, or anything else caught up in their field.
Not once the planets spaghettify, before reaching the black hole itself. Then they are no longer planets. When this mass contacts the black hole itself, it just becomes part of the homogeneous mass in the black hole.
Not once the planets spaghettify, before reaching the black hole itself. Then they are no longer planets. When this mass contacts the black hole itself, it just becomes part of the homogeneous mass in the black hole.
LOL how do you know what happens in a black hole when no one else does?

Oh yea you are a youtoob genius
Because you are wrong. We do know what happens. The laws of physics apply everywhere in the universe.
Actually the laws of physics do not apply at both the macro and quantum levels.

There are youtoob vids on this

Were you born yesterday
Actually the laws of physics do not apply at both the macro and quantum levels.
Yes they do. Quantum mechanics, for example, dominates at the quantum level. And the laws are the same everywhere.

I think what you mean to say is that certain laws do not help us predict what happens at both very large and very small scales.

Black holes are not particularly special or exotic. In fact, they are pretty bland. They can be completely described by just three parameters: spin, mass, and charge. All of the other properties of the black hole can be derived from these three quantities.
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Wrong. That's the size of the event horizon, not the black hole star itself.

Now that you have been corrected in your misunderstanding, consider the question again.

How do you think a billion solar masses fit in a region the size of a pinpoint?
First you claim that black holes contain billions of stars, then you claim that a black hole is a star, as in singular.

Back to Brian Cox on youtoob
Yes they do. Quantum mechanics, for example, dominates at the quantum level. And the laws are the same everywhere.

I think what you mean to say is that certain laws do not help us predict what happens at both very large and very small scales.

Black holes are not particularly special or exotic. In fact, they are pretty bland. They can be completely described by just three parameters: spin, mass, and charge. All of the other properties of the black hole can be derived from these three quantities.
There are a number of proposed quantum gravity theories. Currently, there is still no complete and consistent quantum theory of gravity, and the candidate models still need to overcome major formal and conceptual problems.
Lie. I said black holes can contain billions of solar masses.

For those who didn't go to college, that's just a measurement of mass equal to the mass of our Sun.

Because it is.
Actually our Sun is exactly 1 solar mass, then you claim both that a black hole is a star, and billions of stars at the same time