The rainbow

There is no empirical proof of Darwinian evolution transformation from plants to animals or from animals to humans. Secular interpretations of empirical evidence includes biased secular assumptionsand interpretations of data but not religious or contradictory assumptions that secularist reject out of hand. That means secularists believe assumptions of evolution are scientific facts while evidence that contradicts those assumptions are dismissed without cause.

Breaking Down the Evidence​

Empirical evidence is primarily obtained through observation or experimentation. The observations or experiments are known as primary sources. However, it can also be obtained through various secondary sources, including articles, reports, newspapers, etc. The process of finding empirical evidence is called empirical research.

The main concern with empirical research is the collection of unbiased evidence. Researchers must carefully design the research while minimizing exposure to potential errors. In the scientific world, it is common that several scientists or researchers gather evidence simultaneously by replicating the same study. In addition, peer review is a primary tool in science that is used to validate the evidence provided in a study or research.
Isn't evolution wonderful.
Yet there are still silly old godbotherers that insist the big magic guy in the sky created Adam from dirt. Surely no one believes that?
You do.
If Eve was created from Adam's rib, then Eve and Adam share DNA. But then, of course, Eve would have to be male, like Adam.
Unless the Bible lied, eve is genetically male
Maybe she was a teans? Lol
Well, of course, Eve is just a fictional character in a myth, along with Adam and the talking snake.
Humans are normally male or female n the same way that apes are normally male of female.
The Bible is not so much a bunch of lies as it is a compendium of folktales and myths.
Well, of course, Eve is just a fictional character in a myth, along with Adam and the talking snake.
Humans are normally male or female n the same way that apes are normally male of female.
The Bible is not so much a bunch of lies as it is a compendium of folktales and myths.
Anyone else notice how mark hasn't the guts to wade into this one.
Little bit deep for him.
If Eve was created from Adam's rib, then Eve and Adam share DNA. But then, of course, Eve would have to be male, like Adam.
Humans inherit their DNA through the blood of their mothers. Nobody inherits DNA from the blood of plants. Evolutionists are stupid.
Humans inherit their DNA through the blood of their mothers. Nobody inherits DNA from the blood of plants. Evolutionists are stupid.
O really? Then where did Adam inherit his DNA from?
Lookit, the Bible claims that Eve was made from one of Adam's ribs. So any DNA on that rib would have been MALE DNA because that is all there could be.

As I said, one of the more impressionable moments of my Vacation Bible Experience was the time when our Vacation Bible School teacher told us that women were made from Adam's rib was the reason why males had fewer ribs than females. This caused me to count my ribs and so did most of the rest of the class.

There was some tickling and some slapping and general mayhem involved.

It turns out that men and boys have the same number of ribs as women and girls. You can prove this by yourself.
The Bible stupidity doesn't differentiate sex and gender
It's not a very smart book
The Bible was written by dozens, perhaps hundreds of men (women did not do much writing in those days). There are some words of wisdom and god advice in the Bible, but it sucks as a history book or a philosophy text, and there are hundreds of places where one writer contradicts another.

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