The rainbow

Are you suggesting religions view is scientific?
If science did prove it you wouldn't believe it unless it coincides with religion so why suggest that.
Interpretations of data by the religious are similar to interpretations of data by the irreligious in that opinions called science are not the same as proven scientific facts. Evolution is supported by millions of people who believe it is true but evolution has not been proven to be a scientific fact.
Human and mice DNA have remarkable similarities, but if you were able to observe rats for billions of years you would discover that they never evolve into humans.
No one has ever claimed that rats and mice evolved into humans.
What is claimed? That apes (Orangutans, Chimps, Bonobos, Silverbacks) and humans (and probably Neanderthals) have a common ancestor.

Stop being deliberately stupid, your regular degree of imbecility is all that is needed.
The world is not scientific as such. It only has evidence of measurable data that can be recorded and classified as science. The data is also not science itself but has to be interpreted in terms the interpreter attributes to science, whether the interpretations of data are 100% correct or not.
The world isn't scientific? Lol
Are you suggesting religions view is scientific?
If science did prove it you wouldn't believe it unless it coincides with religion so why suggest that.
Science does not have to prove to me that God must have created life on earth because no other speculation makes sense.
No one has ever claimed that rats and mice evolved into humans.
What is claimed? That apes (Orangutans, Chimps, Bonobos, Silverbacks) and humans (and probably Neanderthals) have a common ancestor.

Stop being deliberately stupid, your regular degree of imbecility is all that is needed.
Claiming humans got their intelligence genes from lower life forms is stupid and unscientific.
Science does not have to prove to me that God must have created life on earth because no other speculation makes sense.
What is more likely: an omniscient, omnipresent, invisible creator deity that has always existed, or a vast amount of energy, matter and other stuff that managed to assemble a tiny part of itself into the present day Earth?

The one thing that we know for sure about the Universe is that it is constantly changing. There are no planets, no stars, no galaxies no constellations that are not in a constant state of change.

The Biblical character known as "God" is unchanging. Unlike the universe.
What is more likely: an omniscient, omnipresent, invisible creator deity that has always existed, or a vast amount of energy, matter and other stuff that managed to assemble a tiny part of itself into the present day Earth?

The one thing that we know for sure about the Universe is that it is constantly changing. There are no planets, no stars, no galaxies no constellations that are not in a constant state of change.

The Biblical character known as "God" is unchanging. Unlike the universe.
You may question my scientific theory but you cannot disprove it or even offer a more scientific one.