The rainbow

Simpletons cannot see the beauty, wonder, mystery and miracle of natural phenomena
Of course it's natural. Like the laws of nature. No god involved.
I never thought you would admit it. There's hope for you yet.

because their minds are completely filled to the brim with infinitesimally small amounts of corrupted facts and data promoted by misguided charlatans hawking evolutionist superstition and mythology.
Oh and you're an expert in evolution.
Simpletons cannot see the beauty, wonder, mystery and miracle of natural phenomena because their minds are completely filled to the brim with infinitesimally small amounts of corrupted facts and data promoted by misguided charlatans hawking evolutionist superstition and mythology.

right wing blather. lol.
you see miracles from gods who endorse genocide because you like simple answers that require no thinking, I see evolution. you do you, simpleton :)
right wing blather. lol.
you see miracles from gods who endorse genocide because you like simple answers that require no thinking, I see evolution. you do you, simpleton :)
You cannot prove God supports decades of the mass murder of innocent Israeli civilians.
You cannot prove God supports decades of the mass murder of innocent Israeli civilians.

i didnt say god supported that, religious *****. but he sure supported the genocide of canaanites, and later in the great flood.
unless the bible lied? lol
All you are doing here Mark, is joining the ranks of charlatans peddling Biblical myths and superstitions.

There is clear evidence that all mammals are related by similar DNA.
There is ZERO evidence that the Biblical character called "God" created the character "Eve" out of one of the character Adam's rib.

As I said, the Biblical creation tale is less than even speculation.
All you are doing here Mark, is joining the ranks of charlatans peddling Biblical myths and superstitions.

There is clear evidence that all mammals are related by similar DNA.
There is ZERO evidence that the Biblical character called "God" created the character "Eve" out of one of the character Adam's rib.

As I said, the Biblical creation tale is less than even speculation.
There is no empirical evidence that proves or even supports cross-speciation of the type hawked by Darwin and misguided pals.
There is no empirical evidence that proves or even supports cross-speciation of the type hawked by Darwin and misguided pals.
There's no need for that evidence. DNA proves the whole lot. Don't divert into some irrelevant crap. Evolution is a fact.
It doesn't matter we all came from primates. Who cares? It's just that stinking Bible that forbids you from even researching anything.
Everything you'll ever need in life is in the Bible. How convenient. You don't even have to think for yourself now.

Here's a bit from Sam Harris. He tells it like it is.

There's no need for that evidence. DNA proves the whole lot. Don't divert into some irrelevant crap. Evolution is a fact.
It doesn't matter we all came from primates. Who cares? It's just that stinking Bible that forbids you from even researching anything.
Everything you'll ever need in life is in the Bible. How convenient. You don't even have to think for yourself now.

Here's a bit from Sam Harris. He tells it like it is.

Humans did not dexcend from animals. That is ridiculous erroneous speculation and assumption.
Humans did not dexcend from animals. That is ridiculous erroneous speculation and assumption.
Oh yes we did. It's a proven fact.
You can admit it and you'll still go to heaven. If you don't admit it, you only think you're going to heaven.
But the irony to say a proven fact is erroneous and speculation when compared to your belief there's a god. You're a loser old man.
Oh yes we did. It's a proven fact.
You can admit it and you'll still go to heaven. If you don't admit it, you only think you're going to heaven.
But the irony to say a proven fact is erroneous and speculation when compared to your belief there's a god. You're a loser old man.
There is no empirical proof of Darwinian evolution transformation from plants to animals or from animals to humans. Secular interpretations of empirical evidence includes biased secular assumptionsand interpretations of data but not religious or contradictory assumptions that secularist reject out of hand. That means secularists believe assumptions of evolution are scientific facts while evidence that contradicts those assumptions are dismissed without cause.

Breaking Down the Evidence​

Empirical evidence is primarily obtained through observation or experimentation. The observations or experiments are known as primary sources. However, it can also be obtained through various secondary sources, including articles, reports, newspapers, etc. The process of finding empirical evidence is called empirical research.

The main concern with empirical research is the collection of unbiased evidence. Researchers must carefully design the research while minimizing exposure to potential errors. In the scientific world, it is common that several scientists or researchers gather evidence simultaneously by replicating the same study. In addition, peer review is a primary tool in science that is used to validate the evidence provided in a study or research.
Bullshit! There are TONS of evidence.
And disproving evolution does not prove that the silly Biblical myth is true.
According to the above posted article scientific evidence can consist of newspaper articles, opinionated reports, books,etc. I accept the Biblical record therefore as scientific evidence.
According to the above posted article scientific evidence can consist of newspaper articles, opinionated reports, books,etc. I accept the Biblical record therefore as scientific evidence.

from the same article, which you failed to mention, lol. "The main concern with empirical research is the collection of unbiased evidence. Researchers must carefully design the research while minimizing exposure to potential errors."

the bible has no credibility as unbiased, credible evidence.

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