The Economy is Bad?


Well-Known Member
Feb 9, 2024
For several years sexual assaulter trump and maga have been saying our economy is terrible.

Yet for the last few years Americans have set new record highs in travel on holidays.

How can Americans keep setting records for travel if everyone is so broke?

The truth is sexual assaulter trump destroyed our economy in 2020 and left us with a mess. Another democrat came in to clean up the mess. Again.

America has the best economy in the world right now. The world bank says our fantastic economy is helping other nations.
For several years sexual assaulter trump and maga have been saying our economy is terrible.

Yet for the last few years Americans have set new record highs in travel on holidays.

How can Americans keep setting records for travel if everyone is so broke?

The truth is sexual assaulter trump destroyed our economy in 2020 and left us with a mess. Another democrat came in to clean up the mess. Again.

America has the best economy in the world right now. The world bank says our fantastic economy is helping other nations.
itf fragile with our debt very much so and it wil not take much to hammer it.
itf fragile with our debt very much so and it wil not take much to hammer it.

Keep telling yourself that.

If the national debt is such a concern, why vote for more tax cuts for the rich and big business?

Tax cuts only create trillions in debt.

And why vote for sexual assaulter trump? He added 8 trillion dollars to our national debt in just 4 short years. He exploded the deficit to over 3 trillion dollars. A new record high.

If you are concerned with our national debt why not vote for the party that always decreases our budget deficit and one who completely eliminated the deficit and was paying off the national debt? If the bush boy had not trashed the economic plan Clinton left for him, our national debt would have been paid off by 2010

Why vote for the party that always increases the debt and deficit?

Meanwhile, our economy is the best in the world.

Sexual assaulter and republicans are lying. Again.
And frequent Epstein island visitor Bill Clinton spoke at the DNC. Democrats are hilarious thinking they still have the moral high ground when they don’t hold their own rapist accountable and with so much blood on their hands for Israel.
The reason why the US stock market is at al all time high is because investors all over the world consider the US the best place to invest. They are not stupid.
Keep telling yourself that.

If the national debt is such a concern, why vote for more tax cuts for the rich and big business?

Tax cuts only create trillions in debt.

And why vote for sexual assaulter trump? He added 8 trillion dollars to our national debt in just 4 short years. He exploded the deficit to over 3 trillion dollars. A new record high.

If you are concerned with our national debt why not vote for the party that always decreases our budget deficit and one who completely eliminated the deficit and was paying off the national debt? If the bush boy had not trashed the economic plan Clinton left for him, our national debt would have been paid off by 2010

Why vote for the party that always increases the debt and deficit?

Meanwhile, our economy is the best in the world.

Sexual assaulter and republicans are lying. Again.
I will because its very fragile , easly manipulated nope our national deb would not be paid off your delusional . yea right Obama and Biden both reduced our debt right
Obama national debt added President Obama added about $8.6 trillion, about a 74% increase, to the national debt at the end of President Bush’s last budget in 2009.

Biden national debt added record 34 trillion plus 6.1 trillion add so far.

And now the great slick willie How much did President Clinton add to the national debt?
President Clinton increased the national debt by almost $1.4 trillion, almost a 32% increase from the $4.4 trillion debt at the end of President H.W. Bush's last budget

Yes clearly they would have paid off all the debt if they did what Clinton did lol dream on.
And frequent Epstein island visitor Bill Clinton spoke at the DNC. Democrats are hilarious thinking they still have the moral high ground when they don’t hold their own rapist accountable and with so much blood on their hands for Israel.
That's relevant. Well done.
How many times was a new recession predicted? At least twice. For 2022 and 2023.

That never happened.

Instead we built the best economy in the world.

Wages are increasing. The wealth gap is getting smaller.

Infrastructure is finally being built all over the nation. Manufacturing is returning to the USA. Biden has enforced the buy American rule with all federal paid infrastructure projects having to use American made products.

China is falling farther behind. Their economy is in stagnation with their real estate market collapsing and young people with educations they can't use. The government is begging people to have babies because the birth rate has fallen so low because people can't afford to get married or have children.

Inflation in Europe is much higher than here with their unemployment higher and economies weaker.

The USA is propping up other nation's economies.

US farmers are finally recovering from the devastation of sexual assaulter trump's tariff wars.

About the only people having a hard time are those in red states with the federal minimum wage as their minimum wage and very few unions to protect the workers.
If you’re going to attack Trump for being a predator then you shouldn’t platform Clinton. That’s called hypocrisy.
I never said a word about Clinton.
You keep regurgitating it as if it's doing me damage or it will have an effect on the election.

Clinton is a dinosaur. It's over for him and he will never be a political influence. Get over it.
For several years sexual assaulter trump and maga have been saying our economy is terrible.

Yet for the last few years Americans have set new record highs in travel on holidays.

How can Americans keep setting records for travel if everyone is so broke?

The truth is sexual assaulter trump destroyed our economy in 2020 and left us with a mess. Another democrat came in to clean up the mess. Again.

America has the best economy in the world right now. The world bank says our fantastic economy is helping other nations.
The Capitol hallway rapist now illegitimately occupying the WH claims our economy is doing great under his economic policies. The problem is that the sex pervert Rapist in Chief is stupid and he lies.

Credit downgrade for U.S government threatens to put the squeeze on Washington and the average Joe - Washington Times


Credit downgrade for U.S government threatens to put the squeeze on Washington and the average Joe
Keep telling yourself that.

If the national debt is such a concern, why vote for more tax cuts for the rich and big business?

Tax cuts only create trillions in debt.

And why vote for sexual assaulter trump? He added 8 trillion dollars to our national debt in just 4 short years. He exploded the deficit to over 3 trillion dollars. A new record high.

If you are concerned with our national debt why not vote for the party that always decreases our budget deficit and one who completely eliminated the deficit and was paying off the national debt? If the bush boy had not trashed the economic plan Clinton left for him, our national debt would have been paid off by 2010

Why vote for the party that always increases the debt and deficit?

Meanwhile, our economy is the best in the world.

Sexual assaulter and republicans are lying. Again.
How stupid are leftist democrat propagandists? Has Biden lowered the US debt? Has Biden saved the nation by eliminating the deficit? Has Biden raised taxes on the rich and businesses? Has Biden lowered costs for the poor? Has Biden lowered middle-class taxes? Has Biden decreased spending, especially porkulous spending? Is the borderline US depression great under Biden because other nations are worse off?

Don't ask a dummycrap to answer those questions.
I never said a word about Clinton.
You keep regurgitating it as if it's doing me damage or it will have an effect on the election.

Clinton is a dinosaur. It's over for him and he will never be a political influence. Get over it.
The party is still platforming him. He spoke at the DNC. In order to criticize Trump’s behavior you can’t have the same on your side. It just shows that both sides are fake ass grifters who aren’t going to accomplish anything but more division. It makes everything you say meaningless when you’re a hypocrite.
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Just say Bill Clinton is possibly a rapist for his trips to Epstein island and he should be investigated and then you can talk all you want about how bad Trump is. Is that too much to ask? Throw the old man overboard, whether it’s Biden or Clinton. Because defending them will never do any good for you. Kamala needs to throw Biden and his policies (which to his anger would include his legacy) overboard or she won’t win. Biden already shot himself in both feet and now Kamala is wearing his bloody shoes. It’s not going to work. I say this as someone who doesn’t want Trump to win but is not going to pretend he isn’t when we’re running the shittiest campaign ever regardless of what ********* polls say.
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