Dow Jones Industrial Average Tops 40000 for the First Time

That explains the consequences of increasing debt. It DOES NOT say it will cause a recession. The borrowings are secured at the federal reserve which also invest heavily in the stock market to make money to.lend to the govt. But you wouldn't know that.

Hard road for a soft landing? Recession risks have come down but still loom in 2024​

Olebush was elected and we had a recession. Carter was elected and we had prosperity again. Juniorbush was elected and we has the worst crash ever. Obama pulled us out of it and restored prosperity. Trump won in 2016 only because of the Electoral College. Hillary got more votes. Trump blathered and tweeted and cussed and totally mismanaged Covid and was defeated by seven million votes because he was bloody incompetent.

The value of the dollar is high, the stock market indexes are all higher than ever before and unemployment is lower than ever.
If you want a depression or a recession, vote for a Republican, they are experts at tanking the economy and throwing people out of work.

It is just that simple.
Experts are warning of the possibility of a coming recession. I am not worried about all of that because I am looking for Jesus to return.
Oh. Jesus is coming. That's interesting because mankind has been waiting for 2000 years and still nothing.
There'll be another ten recessions before that idiot arrives.
Olebush was elected and we had a recession. Carter was elected and we had prosperity again. Juniorbush was elected and we has the worst crash ever. Obama pulled us out of it and restored prosperity. Trump won in 2016 only because of the Electoral College. Hillary got more votes. Trump blathered and tweeted and cussed and totally mismanaged Covid and was defeated by seven million votes because he was bloody incompetent.

The value of the dollar is high, the stock market indexes are all higher than ever before and unemployment is lower than ever.
If you want a depression or a recession, vote for a Republican, they are experts at tanking the economy and throwing people out of work.

It is just that simple.

It goes back much farther than that.

When I was in college getting my degree in accounting/finance, I took an economic history of the USA class. It should have been titled "Every time conservative economics is implemented, conservatives crash our economy."

It goes back to the 1800s.

I'll go back as far as Hoover. We all know what he did. FDR cleaned up the mess. Then came Eisenhower after Truman. He didn't collapse the economy he put the USA into a recession. Kennedy cleaned up the mess. nixon became president and crashed the stock market by getting us off gold and the economy collapsed because of the crash and the oil embargo. Carter cleaned up the mess as best he could. Then came reagan. He crashed the economy and stock market when he first came into office. He took out the nation's credit card and went on the largest peace time military spending in the history of our nation. Which made the economy better but didn't really clean up the mess. He just put a band aid on it. Then came bush the first. All that military spending stopped when the Berlin Wall came down, the soviet union was broken up and Europe became unified. Congress went on a military cutting spree calling it the " peace dividend." All those fake jobs that were dependent on tax dollars were gone. The stock market crashed, the economy nearly collapsed and we were once again in a conservative recession. Clinton cleaned the mess up. The bush boy came next. He crashed the stock market, collapsed the economy, destroyed the real estate market and left the nation on the road to another republican great depression. Obama cleaned up the mess. Then trump came next. He crashed the stock market, collapsed the economy and had us on the road to another republican great depression. Again. Biden had cleaned up the mess.

I realized in the bush boy years that at least in my lifetime, every republican president has progressively been worse that the one before him. I realized that the next one would be worse than the bush boy and I didn't want to find out what was worse than that. We found out.

The next republican president will be worse than trump. Yes there is worse than trump and no, I don't want to live through that.
I am not opposed to a two party system but three or four parties as in Canada would be an improvement.
But neither of the two parties should be the GOP or their Frankencult, the Trump Party.