The climate fascists want to control and tax your travel

LOL: I suppose "These people think trump is a threat to the country."

First, The Donald is a criminal;
Second, he lost the 2020 election and attempted to crash our Constitution;
Third, he lost a civil case and made hundreds of money, money to the women for rape her;
Fourth, one of his wives stated to rape her;
Fifth, he lies, over and over again: Cheats and steals money from people like MAGA;
Not last, but truth, he has a threat to our country.

Another poster I will not be bothering with.
Gus Schumacher genius!
Along with Greta a climate expert. It is all about the science!


A complete liar and imbecile. He is from Anchorage Alaska and claims that winter is going away there because of global warming..

Interesting that in 2023 that city, Anchorage had the 2nd most snow fall ever in over 100 years of records and in 2022 they had the 7th highest snow fall. Anchorage averages 78 inches a year of snow. In 2023 they had 132 inches and over 114 inches in 2022.

So again a complete liar and imbecile. Which in a nutshell defines the entire CC movement.
Gus Schumacher genius!
Along with Greta a climate expert. It is all about the science!

View attachment 16575

A complete liar and imbecile. He is from Anchorage Alaska and claims that winter is going away there because of global warming..

Interesting that in 2023 that city, Anchorage had the 2nd most snow fall ever in over 100 years of records and in 2022 they had the 7th highest snow fall. Anchorage averages 78 inches a year of snow. In 2023 they had 132 inches and over 114 inches in 2022.

So again a complete liar and imbecile. Which in a nutshell defines the entire CC movement.
Lol internet mooron criticizes an entire area of science on the basis of cherry picked examples of people who aren't scientists
My God you are stupid lol
LOL: I suppose "These people think trump is a threat to the country."

First, The Donald is a criminal;
Second, he lost the 2020 election and attempted to crash our Constitution;
Trump was falsely convicted by political animals on bogus charges. He lost the 2020 election to fraud.
Third, he lost a civil case and made hundreds of money, money to the women for rape her;
Twisted hateful bogus charges.
Fourth, one of his wives stated to rape her;
Hearsay is not proof.
Fifth, he lies, over and over again: Cheats and steals money from people like MAGA.
Democrats have no room to accuse Republicans of lying
Not last, but truth, he has a threat to our country.
Trump is a threat to the leftist transformation of the US into a subservient nation answerable to a fascist world government ruled by tyrannical oligarchs like Russia or North Korea.
Only with you always claiming others are obsessed with him and that we are all obsessed with you and were all gay . Like that kind of shat that you pull in your daily weasel life .
Nope mooorons here post about him constantly especially you
He isn't an important person except to those obsessed with him
Lol internet mooron criticizes an entire area of science on the basis of cherry picked examples of people who aren't scientists
My God you are stupid lol

Area of science based on lies.

We are told that snow fall is has been declining in Alaska and the artic when it has not.

You do not care because you are a damn idiot. It took me 2 seconds to find facts that destroy an entire ideology.
Gus Schumacher was at the US senate testifying of behalf of an organization called "Protect our winters"..

Watch his testimony of lies beginning at 28 minutes. The centerpiece of his entire presentation is that winter type weather and snow fall has declined significantly over the decades and that is a bad thing. All a lie. Note that Anchorage Alaska had above average snow fall in 2008-2010-2011-2012-2013-2022-2023.

This organization provides no climate data at all on their website. WTF is "theory of change"? It is theory alright. No science at all on that website.

Area of science based on lies.

We are told that snow fall is has been declining in Alaska and the artic when it has not.

You do not care because you are a damn idiot. It took me 2 seconds to find facts that destroy an entire ideology.
We are NOT being told that snowfall in Alaska has been declining. We are told that glaciers are melting, and they are.
Area of science based on lies.

We are told that snow fall is has been declining in Alaska and the artic when it has not.

You do not care because you are a damn idiot. It took me 2 seconds to find facts that destroy an entire ideology.
Which scientists said that

You think you destroyed climate science?
You are beyond stupid
And arrogant...anonymous internet mooron think he destroyed science
We are NOT being told that snowfall in Alaska has been declining. We are told that glaciers are melting, and they are.
It doesn't matter what the ratbags think. It's happening and no amount of evidence will convince an idiot determined to believe a lie.