Syria 2012

Although I see the Joke about being married to a football team being similar to being married to Christ I do not think the comparison is relavent. The girls who claim to be married to a football team tend to wear skimpy clothes like cheer leaders. The Nuns wear conservative clothes to hide their bodies from men . The Muslims women do the same.
Many other religions do the same.

It is partly a reaction to the bikinis and skimpy clothes that some western girls used to attract men.
Although I see the Joke about being married to a football team being similar to being married to Christ I do not think the comparison is relavent. The girls who claim to be married to a football team tend to wear skimpy clothes like cheer leaders. The Nuns wear conservative clothes to hide their bodies from men . The Muslims women do the same.
Many other religions do the same.

It is partly a reaction to the bikinis and skimpy clothes that some western girls used to attract men.

no girls claim to be married to football teams here.

Nuns and sisters wear a habit as a sign of their consecration to God. Not all nuns or sisters wear a habit. Canon law, which is the legislative authority within the Catholic Church, only states that they should wear a visible symbol of their consecration. Some nuns wear a lapel pin or a pendant.
The slang term "married to Christ" is a sort-of pejorative by Protestants and anti-papists.
It is meant to denigrate these women--who mostly work for nothing their whole lives serving others.
Like Mother Teresa.

Not the worst crowd to be a part of--comparatively speaking.
The slang term "married to Christ" is a sort-of pejorative by Protestants and anti-papists.
It is meant to denigrate these women--who mostly work for nothing their whole lives serving others.
Like Mother Teresa.

Not the worst crowd to be a part of--comparatively speaking.
Johnny Treman, I agree with you . This is not surprising since I am a Catholic. What I do not understand that people can not see these virtues in other religions including Islam. /
Johnny Treman, I agree with you . This is not surprising since I am a Catholic. What I do not understand that people can not see these virtues in other religions including Islam. /

Virtues? Nuns wear a habit out of a CHOICE they made when they joined the sisterhood. Not the same with the women forced to wear a burka.
Virtues? Nuns wear a habit out of a CHOICE they made when they joined the sisterhood. Not the same with the women forced to wear a burka.

^^^The whole thing--in a nutshell.

It is forcing anyone--to do anything--that is the problem.
Freedom = Choice.
US said Saddam was a dictator and activated a war on Iraq. As a result, Islamic extremists control Iraq and Iraq Christian suffered severe persecution. They escaped to Syria. Now US says Assad is a dictator and ..... Poor Christians, where will they go this time?


The price of regime change

By David Warren, Ottawa Citizen

There are millions of Christians in Syria, who probably have the Russians and Chinese to thank that they may live there a little longer. The Security Council vetoes, a fortnight ago, on a resolution calling upon Syria's dictator to step down, and supporting an Arab-sponsored plan to "end the violence," put paid to any immediate prospect of western intervention.

The outrage expressed by Hillary Clinton, William Hague, and other western foreign ministers, probably concealed a little relief, for the vetoes provided the excuse they needed to avoid the issue, while continuing to posture about "humanitarianism" and "democracy."


Christians were as common in Syria as in Egypt, before their numbers were immensely swelled by refugees from Iraq - well over a million fleeing up the Euphrates River valley, from anti-Christian persecution by Iraq's Islamists. By now, there could be more than four million Christians within Syria's borders.

When the Assad regime falls, it will be open season on them, on the Alawites, and all the other minorities. Granted, Assad is a monster who has earned an ugly fate. But at what expense should we indulge the fleeting satisfaction of deposing him?

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^^^The whole thing--in a nutshell.

It is forcing anyone--to do anything--that is the problem.
Freedom = Choice.
Johnny Tremain. Sometimes the waring of a Buka is the choice of the women. It depends on the country. Saudi Arabia enforces at least a gown on all women. In other countries it only applies to Muslims. In Indonesia it is not compulsory for anyone. In Turkey and France it is banned
Johnny Tremain. Sometimes the waring of a Buka is the choice of the women. It depends on the country. Saudi Arabia enforces at least a gown on all women. In other countries it only applies to Muslims. In Indonesia it is not compulsory for anyone. In Turkey and France it is banned
This is the gown required to be worn by all women in Saudi Arabia
US said Saddam was a dictator and activated a war on Iraq. As a result, Islamic extremists control Iraq and Iraq Christian suffered severe persecution. They escaped to Syria. Now US says Assad is a dictator and ..... Poor Christians, where will they go this time?


The price of regime change

By David Warren, Ottawa Citizen

There are millions of Christians in Syria, who probably have the Russians and Chinese to thank that they may live there a little longer. The Security Council vetoes, a fortnight ago, on a resolution calling upon Syria's dictator to step down, and supporting an Arab-sponsored plan to "end the violence," put paid to any immediate prospect of western intervention.

The outrage expressed by Hillary Clinton, William Hague, and other western foreign ministers, probably concealed a little relief, for the vetoes provided the excuse they needed to avoid the issue, while continuing to posture about "humanitarianism" and "democracy."


Christians were as common in Syria as in Egypt, before their numbers were immensely swelled by refugees from Iraq - well over a million fleeing up the Euphrates River valley, from anti-Christian persecution by Iraq's Islamists. By now, there could be more than four million Christians within Syria's borders.

When the Assad regime falls, it will be open season on them, on the Alawites, and all the other minorities. Granted, Assad is a monster who has earned an ugly fate. But at what expense should we indulge the fleeting satisfaction of deposing him?

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It is true that Christians in Syria are a minority. However the Muslim Sunni are the majority. As long as the new government is tolerant of minorities the revolution of a Sunni Muslim should be ok.
It is true that Christians in Syria are a minority. However the Muslim Sunni are the majority. As long as the new government is tolerant of minorities the revolution of a Sunni Muslim should be ok.

That's not what's happening in Egypt now that their majority sunni have taken power.
Syria now using Chemical weapons. Ill bet Obama wont invade them will he? Bush Invaded Saddam because he claim he had WMDs. The Reason he went after him is because he tried to kill his daddy. Now Bashar Assad Try to kill Obamas dad oh yeah he'll invade Syria.
Obama doesn't have a dad. Never did. You don't seem to have very many facts on our reasons for taking Saddam out.