The calamity of Syria


Active Member
Sep 29, 2011
The Alawaite regime, consisting 11% of the nearly 20 millions of Syrians, are the descendent bastards of the crusaders. They have the same features of the Arian European race, but lack a lot in European mind and European thinking. They have adopted the deviation of islam the Shiite creed system but went further to deny God and belief in Him. They hold Ali, the cousin of Prophet of Islam Muhammad as their symbol of divine reincarnation.
They have creeped into the armed forces in the fiftees and through the Baath Party, established by a Christian once, but rejector of belief, called Michel Aflaq in 1935. The Alawites domiante the armed forces and consist of two hundred thousands of professional soldiers. The Lawaite clan, consisting of nine tribes dominate all positions of power.
The Syrians are a peaceful people, interested by singing and having good time. The ALawaites are militants and have no moral codes and are out to have power, keep it and enrich themselves to the national wealth. The Syrian uprising by singing songs, waving flags and demostrating peacefully in the strrets of Syria resemble the flower people in California in the seventies last century. The Sultan, president Bashar al-Assad, eclected by 99.99% votes of the Syrian people led him to believe to be the unconsted leader of Syria and later on of the Arab world. He has ruled syria for one decade inheriting the republic from his father Hafez, who ruled from 1970 up to the turn of the century, by an iron fist absolute dictatorship, suppresses, like his father, any Syrian call for freedom, for dignity or human rights and certainly for democracy. He considers his rule as absolute expression of democracy as the Syrian constitution depicts. But like an ostrich he is aloof from any reality of the Syrian people and finds it fit to leash his dogs against the Syrian people. Three thousands are sacrificed at the altar of the president, tens of thousands are held in prison and tortured professionally. Tanks and heavy artillary as well as war planes attack civilians, killing children, women and unarmed men. Inhuman? to say the least. Barbaric? no word can give a correct expression to what is happening. The Mullah new land of the new Shah of Iran and the Hizb Allah in Lebanon ( both Shiite in their false interpretation of Islam) consider with their claims to islamic perspective that the massacre and imprisonment, torture and killings in Syria as an internal affair. These two factions of so called Muslims Have nothing of islam in their hearts. They are just as killers and assissins as the Syrian criminal mafia of the Alawites.
Of course no international intervention is envisaged, whether by NATO or Turkey or especially the good for nothing Arab League. For there is no oil in Syria and hence foreign intervention is removed from the agenda of these organisms. Russia supports Syria for its own interests, Cultural dependence and military one ( a military base in Banyas) and the Chinese fathers of the Syrians in disbelief and commericla interests vito any procedures by the UN. Israel the spoiled boy of the USA and Syria is the spoiled boy of Russia and China.
Poor Syrians or coward Syrians? Only an armed uprising will uproot the Alawite mafia regime from the Syrian land!! Are the Libyans tigers and their brothers the Syrians little cockroaches!! I wonder!!
Is any faction that might take over Syria better than Assad's? There is not much of a tradition of democracy in Syria.
Is any of the related to the film "Syriana"? I couldn't make much sense of the plot of the film, othe than the good guys failed at whatever they were trying to do.