People Around the World Oppose Arming Syrian "Rebels"

I do not think any country should intervene in Syria without UN support. Although there is precedence for USA intervention in the past it has not really work. The intervention in Cuba is a perfect example of failure. No Middle Eastern country wants further USA involvement in their region. Particularly when it involves preaching on morality when the USA has used chemical and other weapons on civilians themselves.
I do not think any country should intervene in Syria without UN support. Although there is precedence for USA intervention in the past it has not really work. The intervention in Cuba is a perfect example of failure. No Middle Eastern country wants further USA involvement in their region. Particularly when it involves preaching on morality when the USA has used chemical and other weapons on civilians themselves.
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You are one sick one world government POS .... *uck you and your ideology .... you Aus22 need to take a walk down the oil lease road, right here in the Great State of Texas ... I am sure my "laborers" can fix your sick state of communist ideology! I will buy your ticket you sick *uck ...
Who pissed in your Cheerios ?
The rest if the jon veto members like to think the UN members like to think that body had purpise and relavance. Not everyone can be a big dog. The big dogs enjoy having it around to bamboozle citizens into get off the backs of their leadership.
Who pissed in your Cheerios ?
The rest if the jon veto members like to think the UN members like to think that body had purpise and relavance. Not everyone can be a big dog. The big dogs enjoy having it around to bamboozle citizens into get off the backs of their leadership.
It wasn't my Cheerios .... it was Frosted Flakes.

Obviously, I am a little sensitive to the whole one world government thing ....

I believe in Freedoms and Liberties .... that is something that no communist government will ever provide on this planet, especially in the form of an all embodied one world government.

There is a reason for American Exceptionalism and it has nothing to do with thinking like or agreeing with some world body BS!

Communist supporters, whether they be full on conscious supporters or useful idiots, irritate me with their USA is wrong for this that or the other and they should be following some one world ideology BS .....

America has provided human rights, Freedom and Liberties to more human beings, not only here, but around the globe, than at any other time in the history of this planet.

Those Freedoms and Liberties did not come free to the American soldiers who fought and died to provide/preserve them.

So ... yes ..... when some *ussy passivise communist supporter starts blasting America and pounding the one world government drum ... you could say it's like pissing in my Cheerios .... uhm, I mean Frosted Flakes ;)
It wasn't my Cheerios .... it was Frosted Flakes.

Obviously, I am a little sensitive to the whole one world government thing ....

I believe in Freedoms and Liberties .... that is something that no communist government will ever provide on this planet, especially in the form of an all embodied one world government.

There is a reason for American Exceptionalism and it has nothing to do with thinking like or agreeing with some world body BS!

Communist supporters, whether they be full on conscious supporters or useful idiots, irritate me with their USA is wrong for this that or the other and they should be following some one world ideology BS .....

America has provided human rights, Freedom and Liberties to more human beings, not only here, but around the globe, than at any other time in the history of this planet.

Those Freedoms and Liberties did not come free to the American soldiers who fought and died to provide/preserve them.

So ... yes ..... when some *ussy passivise communist supporter starts blasting America and pounding the one world government drum ... you could say it's like pissing in my Cheerios .... uhm, I mean Frosted Flakes ;)
I wonder where Australia got the idea if indeoemdance from Jolly Ilde England ?
It is interesting that there are those from other lands who ignore their own flaws to crow about ours. Guess its fun to feel superoir to a superpower when you will never be one. But someone has to be the "dad" so we just smile, shake our head and keep on keeping on.
Britain used us and Australia as penal colonies. I would love it if we could ship all of our liberals off to Australia.

If I ever get my wish to become queen, I'm going to do that. Right after I take care of a few other things. :)
Britain used us and Australia as penal colonies. I would love it if we could ship all of our liberals off to Australia.

If I ever get my wish to become queen, I'm going to do that. Right after I take care of a few other things. :)
You have my vote ..... Can I be your "community organizer"? :p
Strangely enough , Australia is about to elect a Opposition leader Tony Abbott. who calls himself a Liberal to replace Tony Abbot the present Labor Prime Minister.
Sorry I should have said Kevin Rudd is the Labor leader. However our main Conservative part here is called Liberal. Obviously quite different to what you mean by liberal.