US gets into bed with Al-Qaeda


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2008
Lets all pretend 911 didn't happen

"..NATO foreign ministers meeting in Brussels Tuesday approved Turkey’s request for the deployment of Patriot missile batteries and hundreds of US and other foreign troops on the country’s border with Syria. The deployment will mark a qualitative escalation of the US-backed war for regime-change in Syria, paving the way, much as in Libya last year, for a direct US-NATO intervention.

Turkey, which has played a leading role in funneling arms, money, foreign fighters and logistical assistance to the so-called “rebels” seeking to overthrow the government of President Bashar al-Assad, justified its request by claiming it was threatened with the use by the Syrian regime of surface-to-surface missiles armed with chemical weapons.

In a clearly coordinated campaign, Turkey’s unsubstantiated claim of a chemical weapons threat from Syria was amplified by a flurry of allegations by the US government and major American media outlets. The New York Times and CNN cited unspecified “intelligence” about the supposed movement of Syrian chemical weapons components. This was combined with threats from President Barack Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who spoke of Syria approaching a “red line” that would result in direct American military intervention.

If the American public is experiencing an unsettling feeling of deja vu, it is for good reason. For the second time in a decade, Washington is threatening to launch an unprovoked war in the Middle East on the grounds of phony “intelligence” concerning “weapons of mass destruction.”
There is, however, one highly significant difference between how this narrative is being laid out by the Obama administration and the way it was presented under George W. Bush. The lies used to justify the war against Iraq included claims not only about non-existent Iraqi WMD, but also about a supposed threat that these weapons would be placed in the hands of Al Qaeda terrorists, resulting in new attacks on the scale of 9/11. The Obama administration makes no mention of any such Al Qaeda threat.

What makes this so extraordinary is that, while the allegations of an Al Qaeda presence in Iraq were a complete fabrication, it has become clear that Al Qaeda-connected groups and foreign fighters are playing a decisive role in the Syrian events.

David Ignatius, the Washington Post foreign policy columnist, wrote Monday that Jabhat al-Nusra, an Islamist militia with ties to Al Qaeda, now has as many as 10,000 fighters on the ground in Syria and constitutes “the most aggressive and successful arm of the rebel force.”

Similarly, David Enders of McClatchy Newspapers, reporting from Syria, wrote that Jabhat al-Nusra “has become essential to the frontline operations of rebels fighting to topple Assad.”

“Not only does the group still conduct suicide bombings that have killed hundreds, but they’ve proved to be critical to the rebels’ military advance,” Enders continued. “In battle after battle across the country, Nusra and similar groups do the heaviest frontline fighting.”

These Al Qaeda-connected forces have in recent weeks overrun Syrian military bases, executing unarmed conscript soldiers taken prisoner. The danger that they could gain access to chemical weapons is very real.

If the Obama administration is silent on this score, it is because the Al Qaeda forces inside Syria are acting as US proxies in the war for regime-change. They have been armed to the teeth by the CIA and Washington’s Arab allies, particularly Qatar and Saudi Arabia, and unleashed in a brutal sectarian civil war aimed at destroying the country and creating the conditions for the imposition of a US puppet regime.

more US duplicity at

Comrade Stalin
Stalin While Al Queda like most Sunnies support the rebels in Syria I doubt they control the revolution, It is too easy to simplified the situation. There are no easily identify good or bad in the situation. I am oppose to direst Western support for the Rebels, but giving the fact they are gong to win, The West must posiotion themselves to suppport the new government,

The West must live with the reality in the Middle East. Instead of harping back to September 11 and Iraq the West must move on
Today's al Qaeda was originally an Eqyptian Islamic Jihad organization where al Zawahiri (Osama's 2nd hand man) was from and who had been trained by the KGB, according to an ex-KGB defector.

From Russia With Terror
The deployment of Patriot missile batteries in Turkey is largely aimed at protecting Europe from Syria's potential chemical weapon attack and any Syrian missiles heading towards Europe will be intercepted over Turkey and it's feared that the Assad regime could do anything as the situation gets increasingly desperate and NATO is preparing for any eventuality.
The deployment of Patriot missile batteries in Turkey is largely aimed at protecting Europe from Syria's potential chemical weapon attack and any Syrian missiles heading towards Europe will be intercepted over Turkey and it's feared that the Assad regime could do anything as the situation gets increasingly desperate and NATO is preparing for any eventuality.

I thought that was to keep Syria from sending WMD into Turkey where there are Syrian refugees. Syria has mixed the sarin gas and loaded it into bombs.
The next thing you know.....BO will invade Syria because they have weapons of mass destruction.....and his voters, his media, and the D Party will gladly support him.:confused:
The next thing you know.....BO will invade Syria because they have weapons of mass destruction.....and his voters, his media, and the D Party will gladly support him.:confused:

Syria's Chemical Weapons Came From Saddam's Iraq

As the regime of Bashar Assad disintegrates, the security of his chemical arsenal is in jeopardy. The No. 2 general in Saddam Hussein's air force says they were the WMDs we didn't find in Iraq.
While I agree we should aid Turkey to prevent the Syrian war spreading I do not think we should intervene yet. Any links with Hassan or the KJB are just spectulation. It is too simple to link all the "bad"guys together.

In History our friends and enemies change.
Japan was an ally in WW1 but an enemy in WW2. Whether All Qaeda will ever be friends is debatable. However we will negotiate with their allies The Taliban in Afghanistan and we have support the Sunies who were in charge of Iraq against Iran in the past.